4. High school experiance

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chapter 4. Enjoy


Dedicated to anika0910 thx for the votes :)

I can't do this.

I can't do this. I'm going to die.

I think this as I hear the small torture device.


"Oh stop being a baby." Jackie pulls the zipper of torture up even more.

"I-," trying to suck in some air. "I seriously...can't," taking another sip of air. "breathe."

Even though I can hold my breath probaly...eternality, it's still painful when it's forcefully pulled out of my lungs. This is dress feels like a corset.

With only half an hour left until the party because someone was taking their time choosing clothes. Peyton and Jackie decided it was time for me to change into the outfit they selected. And when I say outfit. I mean a piece of fabric that looks as though it was made for a child. The Strapless lacey black dress reaches to mid thigh revealing most of my legs. I'm sure this dress is not my size because I'm suffocating. To wear this fabric, you need to zip the zipper of death to the very top which pushes my boobs out. More than I'm comfortable with showing.

"And," Jackie pulls it up even more. "Done."

I finally can relax a little.

"Wow, you look really hot." Jackie complements staring at my reflection.

"You think so?" I manage to wheeze out.

"Hey, hey! Look what I found." Peyton pops in the bathroom with a pair of black shoes on sticks.

"Don't these pumps look amazing?" Peyton brings them up to my face. "They match your outfit. And are your size too."

"Wait a sec, you want me to wear those?" I ask.

"Uh duh," Peyton says like is the most obvious thing in the world.

Oh hell no. I am not wearing those. Stupid one stick shoes. I do wear 1-2 inch heels but when it's 6 inches. That's a different story. I tried to wear them once and it's impossible to do with out tripping over. And there's no way I'm doing that with a bunch of people watching me fall.

"Um, actually-" I say wanting to back out.

"You don't have a choice." Peyton says sharply, narrowing her eyes at me. "You are going to that party wearing this and you will look like the walking sex goddess of Westville and people will worship you!"


"Stop moving" Jackie scolds as she draws on my on eyelids.

"Yeah, stop moving." Peyton says as she sticks my right foot into the one of the pumps.

"Kinda hard to stay still when I'm unbalanced and getting drawn on!" I feel like a doll and I hate playing dress up.

"Oi! My skills are legendary." Jackie says. "You will be kissing my feet when I'm done with you."

I look at Jackie's instruments of hell cautiously.

"What's that?" I ask suspiciously, looking at the scissor shaped tool Jackie snaps open and closes with dangerously near my eye.

"Oh this? This is to curl your lashes with." She explains and shoves it in my face.

"Why do I have to go anyway?" Remembering that I never agreed to this in the first place.
"I wasn't even invited. And you," I look at Jackie with one eye. "I though you didn't want to go."

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