Chapter 2

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March 14, 2027
0500 hours

Ben's POV

I stayed in the hospital room the whole time with Erica. The doctors wanted to run some tests on both her and the baby. I obliged, seeing as they were the professionals. Erica held the baby as she nursed and I watched them. My two girls.

I didn't really care that it was a girl. I was just happy that the baby had come out healthy and safe. The doctors had confirmed she was an exceptionally healthy weight and size. I attested this to the amount of salads Erica ate, as well as proteins.

"The baby's got your ice blue eyes, Erica," I said.

"Let's hope she has more of me than more of you," Erica responded, laughing.

I swatted her on the arm, then realizing that she was in a hospital bed, I decided not to do it again. The baby began to draw back from Erica and looked curiously at me. Erica looked back and forth, then lifted Emma up to me.

I grabbed her for the first time. She was very warm and Erica had put on a fleece onesie that I had brought. I held her in a cradle position and she looked around before returning her eyes to me. Then she did something unexpected.

She glared at me, full on Ice Queen style. I reacted with shock, so Erica asked me what was wrong. I turned Emma towards her and she did the same glare at Erica.

Erica started laughing.

"Look's like she got my stare too," she said. Upon hearing her mother laughing, Emma started laughing as well. It was a cute little sound, and I held her to my chest and rocked her. I could see her hairs starting to become apparent. She had taken on my brown hair, and the combination looked nice between her hair and eyes. Soon, she fell asleep in my arms, so I gave her back to Erica.

The doctors finished up their tests on Erica and we were free to go, so she quickly changed back as I held Emma, then we walked out to the car. Erica sat in the front holding Emma, while I focused on driving.

"It's going to be hard balancing our jobs and parenting," Erica said.

"I know, but I want to be there for as much of Emma's childhood as I can."

"Are you thinking of retiring from the CIA?" She asked.

"I think it's definitely something I need to think about. I can probably find a desk job, but I'm not sure if I can go back in the field knowing I have a little one at home."

"What about me?" Erica asked.

"You are the super spy. I know that we are in this together, but I'm going to let you make your decision. I'm here to support you no matter what."

Erica looked out thoughtfully. She ended up staring at the Washington Monument, as did I.

"Imagine how different our lives might have been if we didn't meet up again there," I said, reading her mind.

Erica pursed her lips.

"You know I missed you a ton during those years, right?"

"Of course. I missed you too."

"It was hard not having you. I didn't feel complete. And now, it's just so surreal. You as my husband and we are already raising a little girl. I'm still in shock, honestly."

"Am I that dashing and handsome?" I asked.

"Yes, you really are," Erica replied, laughing.

"You're still my beautiful girl," I said.

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