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CIA Academy of Espionage
July 14, 2026
2000 hours

Ben's POV

I looked around nervously. The sun was getting ready to set and there were fluffy clouds that accented the sky. While it was warm, there was a nice breeze that cooled me down. It smelled like pure wilderness, which was great.

I thought back to yesterday afternoon. I had kissed Erica goodbye and left to stay with Mike for the night. I didn't want to see her in her dress until the actual wedding. Me and Mike had reminisced on our friendship since we were young kids, playing Spy Games in the neighbourhood. Even though we hadn't been together through it all, it sure felt like it.

I couldn't think of a person other than Mike as my best man. He had been there for me through everything. Even when I was a loser in school, he still hung out with me. He cared about loyalty, and that's what made him such a good friend.

I was out in the field with Mike and Alexander. They were fixing up my suit and making sure I looked good. I had worn a navy blue suit with a white undershirt, and a black blazer. I had brown dress shoes to compliment the outfit. I looked in the makeshift mirror, checking my hair.

I looked ok on the outside, but I was racing on the inside. I was nervous and I didn't want to screw this moment up. I walked over to a bench and put my face in my palms. Mike came over and sat beside me.

"Are you ok, Ben?" he asked.

"No," I muttered. "This is the most important day of my life so far, and I feel like I'm going to screw it up."

"Why do you think that?"

"I feel like maybe she isn't ready, or something, I just don't want to be embarrassed."

"Ben. Do you remember how Erica first was around you?"

"Yeah. The Ice Queen."

"Look what you have made her. She can't even bring it out around you anymore. That's how much you've changed her.

"She said yes to you and you weren't even officially dating. She's even pregnant with your kid. I don't think she's thinking about calling it off."

"You're right. Thanks for having my back, bro," I said.

"It's not like I'm gonna forget about you on your most important day, right?"

We walked back over to Alexander, who was surveying the clouds suspiciously. One of them did look like a spider.

"Well then, gentlemen, do you know when the other 2 will be here?" He asked.

"I think they just arrived," Mike said.

I turned to the parking lot and out came Chip and Jawa. I watched as they walked over, Jawa in a tux, and Chip with a plaid vest over his white dress shirt.

I hugged them once they reached us. It had been a long time since I had seen these guys.

"Fitting, how the first time we see you in a while is when you are being legally bound to spend the rest of your life with someone else," Jawa said. I just laughed.

Chip looked confused.

"Jawa, you still talk to much."

"Or you just don't understand it." We all started joking around and talking about memories. It really helped ease the mood.

Even though I was still nervous, it felt good to have my friends around me. It wouldn't have felt right without them.

I checked my watch and saw that it was 8:30. Erica should be here any moment. Just as I put my eyes on the parking lot, I saw the car pull up. I instantly went behind the building and prepared myself for the most important walk of my life.

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