Chapter 6

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Washington, D.C.
2030 hours
March 15, 2027

Ben's POV

I was starting to get worried about Erica. I knew she was a capable spy, but the fact that she wasn't answering my calls or messages, and that she was uncharacteristically late, did put some doubt in my mind.

I was sitting on a bench near the fountain with Zoe. We hadn't found much on our surveillance. Again, it seemed like a near impossible mission. There were barely any leads and no concrete evidence. I felt lost.

"So how did you do it?" Zoe asked. I turned to her.

"Do what?" I responded.

"Get with Erica."

"I'm not even quite sure, to be honest."

"Ben, when you "died" Erica became colder than ever. She didn't want to talk to anyone about anything, regardless of what it was. I'm just wondering how you managed to break her open in such short time."

"I don't know. Maybe she had a soft spot for me?"

"Well, it seems like it, but you ditching her for 2 years and then her welcoming you back with open arms seems weird."

"I don't know how her brain works, but I do know not to question her."

Zoe stood up and stretched. I did as well.

"So, what's going on with you and Mike?" I asked. She glanced at me, then looked away, blushing.

"Nothing," she mumbled.

"Come on, Zoe, I know there's something between you two."

"No! There! Isn't!"

"I know that you two have been talking."

"Wha- how?"

"I'm a spy, it's my job to know things."

Zoe looked away. I started laughing and she glared back at me. It made me laugh even more.

"Why are you laughing so much?" She questioned, teeth gritted.

"He's perfect for you, you know."

"I don't care, Ben."

"Why not?"

"BECAUSE WHY WOULD I, BEN?" I was shocked at her outburst.

"What do you mean?"

"Because I loved one boy throughout spy school, and that one boy faked his own death and plunged me into a sadness so deep I'm not sure if I'm out of it. And now, I find this one boy has started a family with the woman that I wanted you to hate forever."

She turned away as I saw tears in her eyes. She started sobbing and I didn't know what I should do.

"And now," she said still crying. "I'm falling for that boy's best friend and I dont even know at this point." She wiped her face.

"Ice Queen was right. Feelings complicate everything."

"Zoe, you can't live your life without emotion."

"It would be way easier than figuring out this mess." I sighed. I wish everyone was as simple as me. I didn't know how much of a mess the average girl was.

I tried to approach Zoe but she pushed me away, surprisingly strong. I landed in a nearby bush, where I felt some plastic material indent my back. I cursed and turned around to see what it was.

The stroller.

"Zoe," I said, slowly. "We have an issue."

"No, Ben, we have an issue." I turned around and saw Erica with Emma. I sighed in relief.

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