Chapter 15

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March 19, 2027
Warehouse outside of New York
0010 hours

Ben's POV

Jawa's plan had worked well. After I had blown off the doors, there were only 2 enemy agents left, who I made quick work off. They were still in shock from the blast.

I didn't know where to go, as the halls all looked similar. I picked a central hall and went down. There was nothing along the hall, only lights. It stretched down for as far as I could see. I started jogging. After a while, doors started appearing in the walls, branching off into separate rooms.

I explored a few of them, but they mostly looked like worn out offices that only housed papers dating back to the 18th century. I found nothing of interest in them.

After checking out the third office, I continued down the hall and found that it ended at a three way intersection.

Left, right, or straight, into a office that was marked "Internal Affairs".

I walked up to the door, checking for any booby traps, but I found none. I cautiously opened the door, but again, no traps sprung out.

I entered into a bigger office with a desk, a chair, and bookshelves lining the wall. There was a bulletin board behind the desk.

I looked at it and saw: "Plans moved to March 21 at 10 am". I searched for any other info but all I got was that it was set to happen in New York.

Dang, this was going to be harder than I thought.

I rifled through the papers on the desk. There was nothing important, mostly reports on stocks and invoices for various computer parts. Nothing seemed to click. I exited the room, confused on where to go next.

I heard a body hit the ground to my right, so I went over there. It was a long, straight hallway, but I ran as fast as I could. I heard more sounds in the distance.

I turned a corner and my heart dropped. I saw a guy holding a gun to Emma's head.

She's a baby, really? You're a sick fool.

I saw Erica screaming. I ran as quietly as I could. I was getting closer, but I wasn't close enough.


I sprinted, forgetting about stealth. The agent seemed startled, and I used that to my advantage. I swung the barrel away from Emma, then I realized their finger was still on the trigger.

I ducked, my instincts taking over. I felt a booming shot right above me.

I looked up and saw the enemy agent bearing down on me. Then Erica came.

She seemed more angry than I'd ever seen, and she jumped on the agent's back and wrapped her legs around his neck. I grabbed Emma from the agent, who couldn't fight back.

As soon as I grabbed her, Erica brought him to the ground and continued to choke him. He passed out in under 10 seconds.

I was worried about Emma. I looked her up and down, but she betrayed no sense of fear, as if the gunshot hadn't even startled her.

"She's born to be a spy," Erica said from behind me, reading my mind.

"That's not such a bad thing, is it?" I laughed. "Let's go."

I took Erica's hand and held Emma in my other, and led her out of the warehouse.

On the way, we stopped in the office. Erica picked up as much stuff as she could. She made sure to wear her gloves (she always seemed to have spy supplies, even when she had been stripped of all materials) and gathered the papers, items, or anything of importance into plastic bags.

I continued to lead her out of the warehouse. Surprisingly, we didn't find any agents left.

As we exited, I looked to the other warehouse. I heard no sounds, but I knew that didn't mean much.

"Stay here with her," I said, giving Emma to Erica.

"What? Why? Where are you going?"

"I don't have time. Keep her safe."

I sprinted off to the warehouse that Jawa had gone into. I still heard no sounds, but I crept in the shadows, making sure not to make a sound.

After a while of walking, I peered around a corner into a room that Jawa and, Zoe?? They were both tied up in the center of the room, with agents surrounding them.

They were being interrogated. I heard the agents ask who they worked for, why they were here, and many more, but I wasn't focused on that. The room branched off from a T-intersection. I peered across from me and saw a backpack that looked like Jawa's.

I crept over to it and found two sticky bombs and a detonator. I also saw a pair of wire cutters. I smiled. He always came prepared. I attached the two bombs to the hallways that led into the room. But I had to get their attention.

I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to risk anything. Luckily, Jawa stared straight at me, only for a second.

"She knows a lot more than I do," Jawa said. All the agents turned towards Zoe, so that they didn't see Jawa looking at me. I held out the detonator, then pointed at the hallways and he nodded. I left the intersection, getting a safe distance away.


I heard a shaking boom and ran into the room. There was smoke and debris everywhere, and I got the jump on many of the agents. I saw Jawa and Zoe fighting as well, even though they were bound.

Quickly, we dispatched of the agents. I got the wire cutters and uncut Zoe and Jawa, and we quickly left the building. I called to Erica and she met us.

"What are we going to do now?" She asked.

I heard an army of people coming in the distance. Everywhere we went, it seemed there was a chance of capture.

The forest had it's own dangers, the warehouses were obviously off limits, and the road was pointless as we would be in plain sight.

Nothing looked good, but I wasn't going to let all the work I did to get my family go to waste.

"Do you two have a plan?" I asked Jawa and Zoe.

"Any moment now," Zoe said. I saw a smug smile on her face.

I heard a van honk.

"Let's go, children," I heard a woman say.

I was happier than ever to hear that voice.

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