Chapter 12

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March 18, 2027
(New) Hotel
0730 hours

Ben's POV

I woke up suddenly from my sleep, scared that invaders had, well, invaded our room. But there was no one.

I laid back down, breathing deeply in and out. I saw Erica sleeping peacefully beside me and I decided not to bother her. She had had a long night.

I went into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. The punch had not done much, but I could see a mark if I looked close enough. Everywhere else I looked fine, so I exited the bathroom and went back out.

I took Emma out of the drawer and brought her to the bed, holding her in my arms. She was sleeping peacefully, like her mother. I was going to go get something to eat when I heard someone's phone ding.

I looked at mine, but I didn't have a notification. I didn't think it could be Erica's, since what would she be subscribed to? I checked anyways.

She had an email from an anonymous source. I looked over to see her still sleeping, then opened her phone and looked at the email.

To whom it may concern,

Intel on SNOW: Plans moved to March 21. Haven't got any on what the plans are, just lots of chat about the organization.

Agent Zibbell is staying in D.C. with me. Need help with the moles case, not sure if I can trust Agent Taco yet.

Have contacted Agent O'Shea about the info and he has confirmed that he will stay on the mission.

Will contact with any new information. Stay safe.



P.S.: I know what happened in your old hotel room. Keep a low cover, and do not blow your spot again. It could mean the start of something dangerous.

Wow. That was a lot to take in. I set the phone down beside Erica only to see her staring at me.

"Uh, hi Erica," I said weakly.

"What were you doing?"

"Just, um, checking to see if you were cheating on me."

Erica just gave me the "Really Ben" look that she gave me in out earlier days.

"I just wanted to make sure that my wife was being faithful, that's it."

She grabbed the phone and I saw her reading through the email. Her face didn't portray any emotions. Once she was done she set the phone down on the bed and grabbed Emma, who stirred awake.

"Can you please order room service, or something, I'm starving," Erica said.

"Of course." I dialed the number and after reviewing the options, I got Erica a garden salad with a strawberry banana smoothie and myself a grilled cheese sandwich (no meat), fries, and an apple juice.

"So what do you think of the e-mail?" I asked when I was done. Erica looked up innocently at me.

"I thought you were checking to see if I was cheating?"

"Well, about that, I lied, so ... anyways, what did you think?"

"I'm not surprised. This organization seems like they know what they are doing. We have little to go off and that will probably stay the same until we do some hard digging."

"Yea, I guess."

We sat in silence for a few minutes, Erica holding Emma. I moved closer after, wrapping my arm around her. I felt her relax and move into me.

"I'm scared, Ben," she said.

"About what?"

"About her," she said, gesturing to Emma.


"What if all this action traumatizes her? What if she can't function properly due to what she has witnessed at such a young age? I don't want her to be ill."

"Erica," I said, rubbing her shoulder. "You've seen that she's already taking on your traits. She'll be fine. And I don't think you have to worry about her being ill, with your strict diet. You eat healthier than any human I know, probably ever."

She nodded, but still looked like she was in distress. I kissed her forehead.

"Hey," I whispered. "Everything is ok. We all have each other. We're going to get through this together."

I let her sink into me further and I massaged her head, hoping that it would make me feel better. I heard a knock on the door, and I went to get it.

The room service had arrived, so I went to pay and get the food. We ate on the bed, not caring to worry about the mess. We had a comforting silence, just cuddling being enough. Emma seemed happier than ever as she lied between us, me and Erica taking turns holding her.

**timeskip to afternoon**

Erica's POV

"Still got nothing, FFBB," (whoever gets this is a legend and deserves a prize) I heard Jawa tell me over the radio.

"Roger that, O," I replied. Jawa was monitoring cameras all over the city trying to find anything, but nothing was showing up. Me and Ben had split up, looking for any clues. I was just walking down the streets, not knowing what to look for but looking anyways. I had Emma in a stroller, and she was playing with a toy car that I gave her.

I walked into a café, desperate for an energy boost. I ordered a fruit cup, yogurt with granola and fruit, and a strawberry kiwi smoothie. I munched and slurped it down as fast as I could, hoping to get back out on the streets.

As I left the café, I saw two suspicious figures turning the corner. I followed them at a distance, navigating between people and the snow shored up on the buildings. It was getting hot, so I took off my jacket and stuffed it under Emma. I followed the figures footsteps, and turned the corner.

I saw them further down, walking normally. I weaved through the crowd, keeping pace. The figures were doing a good job acting like they had no malicious intent, but I knew better. They went into a convenience store, so I ducked into an alley and waited.

They came out with duct tape and scissors. I kept following them, sticking to the crowds, not being seen. They suddenly turned into a side alley, and I followed them, when I felt a presence behind me. I whirled out but they predicted and blocked me, then shoved a rag over my face.


Ben's POV

I was walking around, looking for Erica and Emma. I had searched for an hour or two, but found nothing. I was hoping the girls had come up with a sizeable lead.

I walked parallel to a convenience store when I saw them.

Two figures, Erica following at a distance. They were on the other side. I ran across the street, almost getting killed 7 different times. The figures turned a corner, and soon after, Erica followed.

I picked up the pace. I didn't like this.

I turned the corner to find nothing.

Except for an empty stroller and Erica's jacket.

I cased the area, looking for anything, but I didn't find a single thread of evidence.

I sat down beside the stroller and looked up at the sky.

"Why ... why ... WHY???"

"My girls," I said softly. The sky turned gray and I heard thunder, then the soft splatter of rain.

I started crying.

I got 2 out quick since I felt bad for making you guys wait for so long. I'm not sure when I will update next, since school is picking up for me, but hopefully within the next week.

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