Chapter 3

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**disclaimer: I know that Chapter 2 and Chapter 1 are switched around. Something messed up with the drafts and I don't know how to fix it, just keep in mind to read chapter 1 then 2**

Hale Residence
March 14th, 2027
1130 hours

Ben's POV

I was shocked. How could Cyrus expect us to go on a mission when we just had our baby.

"No," I said firmly.

"What did you say to me?" He asked.

"I said no." I motioned for Trixie to take Emma somewhere else and she obliged.

"You don't want to talk to me like that."

"You can't expect us to go on a mission right now. Emma was just born. Erica's not even 100% yet. And I am not going to risk my family over a mission."

"You do remember that I am the director of the CIA, right?"

"Of course I do. And I couldn't care less. You're asking me and Erica to go on a mission right after the birth of our daughter. Do you know how outrageous that sounds?"

He looked like he was going to keep arguing, but Erica grabbed my hand.

"Ben, calm down. Let's hear what he has to say." I sat down with her, still boiling at the fact that Cyrus thought he could deploy us.

"Look, I know it's not ideal, but you two are our only chance right now. I'm afraid the CIA may be compromised, this time by a different organization.

"I've already gotten rid of all the SPYDER moles, but there is someone, or some group of people, that is leaking information from the CIA to others.

"At the moment, I can't trust anyone, so I have gone into hiding. Agent Taco is currently using her DADD squad to investigate, but my only available agents are you two.

"I have caught wind of the organization's plans myself, but only a little bit of the information. They are planning an attack in this city. It is set to be around the White House, but we haven't found any motives.

"I need you two on this mission. The attack could happen at any time. With Agent Taco already being occupied, I need you two."

"If you can't trust anyone in the CIA, why do you trust Agent Taco?" I asked.

"I don't. But if she isn't doing her job, then I'll know that she isn't who she says she is."

I leaned back in my chair and sat, thoughtfully. I didn't want to go on a mission, especially know that Emma was here. But it also had been a while since I had gone in the field. I missed the exhilaration and excitement.

Erica looked at me. I could see she wanted to do something. I knew the look in her eyes.

"What do you think?" She asked.

"What are we going to do about Emma?" I asked. Erica stopped to think for a moment.

"I don't know," she said. "But we haven't been on a mission in so long."

I was confused by her line of thought. I excused me and Erica and brought her to our bedroom.

"Does Emma not take top priority for you?" I asked.

"Of course she does, Ben but," she started.

"But what?" I asked. "Erica, this is our baby girl. We can't risk our lives when she has just been born. You especially. You are her mother and she needs you."

"I know, Ben. It's just been such a long time."

"I understand that, but we have to think of Emma now. Heck, she was just born. We can't abandon her now."

Erica seemed to nod in understanding. I could tell she wanted to go back to spying, but that being there for family was more important. We walked back out to the living room, where everyone was waiting. I picked up Emma from Trixie, and brought her to where me and Erica sat.

"We can't," Erica said.

"I knew you would say that," Cyrus muttered. "But there is an alternative."

He brought out disguises within the bag he brought.

"You two can go into public together, with the baby. In fact, it will make you look less suspicious. You can snoop around and find any information possible."

I thought about it. It didn't seem like a bad idea. We could find out what the enemy were up to while taking care of Emma.

I looked at Erica, who was practically begging me with her eyes. I sighed.

"Alright, that's fine," I said.

"Good. Your work starts as soon as possible. Notify me when you are going out and update me with anything that happens."

He handed us two seperate files, and then got up to leave. He gave Emma a hug, then let Catherine and Alexander hold her. They all seemed in love with how cute she was. She probably got her looks from Erica as well.

Finally, Trixie said goodbye to Emma. She looked sad to leave her.

"I'lll be back for you, little one," she said, smiling. Emma started to squirm out of my arms, but I held onto her and when Trixie left, she started crying.

I gently rocked her back and forth, calming her down. Erica watched happily from the loveseat and I went to sit down with her. I gave her to Erica and saw that Emma was hungry. I pointed this out to Erica and she started breastfeeding.

We read the files together. There wasn't a lot known about the mission, but they had got some clues linking a terrorist attack to somewhere near the White House. We simply had to find what it was and stop it. Easier said than done.

Erica was still feeding Emma. I went to go get her some water and I sat back down.

"This is crazy," I said.

"What, the mission?" She asked.

"No, the fact that I almost convinced you to choose family over spying."

She laughed.

"Well now that we have this little girl, I had to make some choices," she responded.

"She definitely got her looks from you," I said.

"There's a little bit of you in there. Not much, though, because if there was, it would be an ugly buffoon." I frowned.

She punched me in the arm, playfully.

"I'm just kidding, handsome boy," she said, playing with my hair. I smiled and kissed her.

Emma was done breastfeeding, so Erica handed her to me and went to go get her baby bottle. I looked down at her and she was looking at me. I smiled, moving my finger in front of her face. She tried to grab it, but I pulled it away. I could see her laughing.

Erica came back and sat down. She saw me and Emma playing and I could tell on the inside she was happy.

I saw her getting sleepy so I put her to bed in the downstairs crib. I watched as she closed her eyes and fell asleep. I rubbed her belly.

"Get some rest, little Hale. Your first mission starts tommorow."

There's Chapter 3 for you guys. I hope you enjoyed it and I will update tomorrow hopefully. See you then!!

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