Chapter 20

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March 21, 2027
Wall Street
0945 hours

Erica's POV

I looked around. There wasn't anything noticeable.

I heard Ben come through the earpiece.

"Guys, GUYS!! Is anyone on Wall Street?"

"I am," I responded.

"Go dig through the snowbanks, tell me what you find."

I was confused at his request but I went to the nearest one anyhow. I dug up the snow.

I was shocked.

There was a bomb inside. I dug up to the sides and realized that it went all the way down the street.

"There's a chain bomb here," I said.

"Ok, do you know how to defuse it?" He asked.

"No, not these ones, you can only stop it by not activating the remote detonator."

"Look for it."

I started looking around. There was people everywhere.

I pushed through the crowd, seeing families with t shirts and cargo shirts, a man in a tank top, 2 suited people, and a mime.


It was burning hot outside now. Why would these two be wearing suits? Unless they're businessmen.

I tailed them anyway. Emma in tow, I followed them as they walked down the street. I saw them check the snow periodically, which only confirmed my suspicions.

"Ben, I'm in pursuit," I said over the comms.

"Where are you?" I looked around.

"I just passed a Starbucks."

"Got it."

I kept following them. Soon, the crowd cleared out at an intersection. I saw Ben turn a corner and appear in front of the pair. They sensed trouble, so they turned around, but they saw me.

Me and Ben sprinted at them.

They split, one going left, the other right. I chased after the one with the detonator, on the left.

Ben's POV

I saw Erica sprint after one of them, so I went the other way. I started sprinting as fast as I could. My legs carried me but the crowds had reappeared and were slowing me.

I turned onto the road and sprinted in the bikers lane, keeping an eye on the agent. I was gaining now, as they had to run through traffic. They made a left turn, and I followed. This street was less busy. I was getting closer and closer.

The agents suit was slowing them down. I was wearing flexible clothing, however.

I reached out my hand and grabbed them. They spun and threw a punch which I dodged.

I tried to grab his arm but he retracted. I went to sweep out their legs but they jumped. They went for a stomp and I dodged, grabbing their leg and jumping up.

I twisted it around, then kicked the inside of his knee, and he went crumbling down.

"Looks like you made quick work of him," Jawa said to me.

I looked behind to see him standing there. He looked in perfect condition, but I'm sure that he was zooming around, looking for me. He was standing beside a motorcycle.

"Can you take care of them?" I asked.

"No problem. Where are you going?"

"To get a detonator." I hopped on the motorcycle and raced out.

Erica's POV

I wasn't going to let anyone slow me down. I saw the detonator tucked in their pocket, and I kept running after them.

"Erica, where are you?" My mom asked.

"Track my phone, I don't have time to look around."

I was dead-set on getting this person. However, I was getting increasingly excited. The detonator wouldn't work from that far away, especially on a big chain bomb like this. It may work for other things (like dropping bombs on ice shelfs) but a chain bomb was a completely different story.

I raced after them as they entered an intersection.

They continued through straight. I was becoming more and more surprised that they were going farther. I wasn't even wavered by the run, but it didn't seem like they were either.

They entered a plaza for a mall and hiked up the stairs. I followed.

"Mom, they're in a mall right now," I said.

"I'll be waiting."

"I'll divert them to Catherine," Zoe said. I looked up ahead and saw Zoe in front of them. The agent panicked and hiked up another set of stairs. We were on the top floor now.

There was only one way out, and it was up. They scurried up the ladder to the roof. I almost got their leg but they pulled it away in time. I followed them up.

The rooftop was a mess, but I wasn't going to let that stop me. I let my instincts take over, jumping over AC machines, pipes, and wires, as well as gaps between buildings.

They had gone back towards Wall Street, which was not good. I had to catch them quick.

I picked up the pace, racing on.

Then I heard a tumble ahead of me. I slowed down.

My mom was at the other end of the rooftop, and had just stopped the agent in his tracks. They were running back towards me but then they realized they were pinned, so they went to the edge.

They were holding out the detonator.

"The bomb," they said. "Still goes off no matter what, unless you use this to stop it."

I saw a green button below the big red one. I checked my watch to see it was 9:59.

"But this is as good as gone." I watched as they tried to pitch themselves over the edge, but my mom caught him.

But his hand. Let go of the detonator. I used my momentum to go into a slide, so I would land on my back, protecting Emma, with my arm outstretched. I felt my back hit the roof, and I grasped at the air.

I felt it hit my hands.

Then it slipped out. Towards the ground.

Sorry that this is shorter than usual and it has been a while, but I have already started the next chapter and it should be out in a significantly shorter amount of time.

Thanks for being patient and sticking with the series :). I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

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