Chapter Seven

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I've been Sleep walking too close to the Fire

Chaine. Chaine. Sous-sus. Ball change. Turn. Repeat. It's been the same since I was ten-. We practice dance to get lighter on our feet. It also makes us stronger. Headmistress says it helps us control our bodies and will help when we are in the field. Some it never does. They get killed. We either stay at the top or we die.

"Очередной раз!" Headmistress Muller ordered. We all turned center stage repeating what we just did. (Again!)

My sister Natalia is next to me. She has that determined look in her eyes like she normally does. We both do. She's taught me never to fall behind. I've seen what happens.

We do the same dance, again and again, over and over, until we master it or someone falls. Pointe shoes hurt after a while. Muller knows it happens. She's waiting until one of us falls. I can't let that be me. Last time that happened I had to go against Natalia. She's stronger but not by much.

Chaine, one more and I will be fine. I lost my footing and stumbled. I caught myself but ended up falling anyway. I cursed under my breath as Muller stood in front of me.

"Вставай," she ordered. (Get up!)

I got up slowly. Everything hurts. I stared at the wall across from me. Natalia is trying not to look at me. She's looked through the side of her eye. She can't look at me because that means weakness.

"Изменить. Вы и Black Window пощадите в комнате," Muller said. (Change. You and Black Window will spare in the room)

I gulped. The room is terrifying. Everyone is watching. You can't forfeit, you only get knocked out. And going against my sister is not going to be easy. I can take out anyone else here, but her. We call each other by the names Muller gives us. I'm the Harpy Eagle. It's one of the most feared eagles out there but it has one weakness. Gun shots. Mine is Natalia.

"Отклонено," Muller said. (Dismissed)

I walked out of the room dreading the room. I changed out of my ballet uniform to black leggings and tank top.

"You're an idiot," Natalia said showing up at my door.

"Thank you, for that lovely reminder," I muttered.

"You know you are. You can't fall, you can't be weak. They kill the weak here."

"I'm better than everyone else here, but you. I can't beat you."

"I'm going to go easy on you."

"You can't. I wouldn't allow you. Nat, you look at me. I will not have you fail because of me. I'll get stronger. I have to anyway. You beat me up. It will make me stronger."

"We need to go," she said heading for the door. I followed her to the room. Everyone was already there. I've already broken myself mentally which will fog up my brain. Nat just needs to break me physically which is going to be easy.

"Начать," Muller ordered. (Begin).

Nat advansed first to no one's surprise. I blocked her kicks easily. She was going easy on me and I could tell. She should have had me on the ground from the get go.

"Stop going easy!" I said.

"Watch it," she hushed.

"Стоп!" Muller yelled. (Stop) Nat and I both stopped. Muller glared at me as she stepped forward. She said something to one of the men in the corner. They came up behind me and dragged me to another room. The red room. The Red Room was known for this room.

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