Chapter Twelve

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Ghosts and Devils come a-calling, Calling my name oh, Lost in Fire

Clint and I woke up to FRIDAY alerting us about something. I groaned, throwing the blanket over my head. It's too early in the morning. Why is she even alerting us? I could kill someone right now.

"Mr. Stark would like everyone in the living room. It's urgent," FRIDAY said.

It took me a minute to remember who Mr. Stark was. I forgot Tony had a last name. Why would Tony be this awake? This early in the morning?

A knock on the door made me groan louder. Clint chuckled getting out of bed to answer it. He opened the door to reveal Faith and Zach. They are both awake. How is anyone awake?

"Where is she?" Faith asked.

"She's in bed?" Clint said. "Why?"

"They found him," Zach answered.

Him. Who's him? There are a lot of him out there. Which are they referring to? I know too many people.

"Who?" Clint asked.

"Tyler. They found Tyler," Faith said. I shot out of bed. They found him. I ran to the door.

"We did?" I asked. Faith is suited up in her suit Tony made for her. It's a simple leather jumpsuit.

"We did. Or they think we did," she nodded.

"Okay give me five seconds," I said. They nodded. I ran to the bathroom and threw on my suit, which is an army green over shirt that is bullet proof but doesn't feel heavier than a sweater and black pants paired with a black tank top. I quickly put my hair into braids and ran out the door. I threw my combat boots on as I walked out the door.

"I'll be out there in a minute," Clint said, closing the bedroom door.

We all nodded and ran to the elevator.

"They really think they found him?" I asked once we got onto the elevator.

"Natalia woke us up saying to get you up because we are getting him out of there," Faith said.

"I'm going to kill Jess," I said.

"I'll be next to you," she said. She held out her fist making me smirk. We did our handshake as the doors opened to the living room. Everyone is awake. It's weird. Well almost everyone. Elizabeth looks dead along with Bruce and his girlfriend.

"We found him?" I asked.

"We did," Natalia said with a smile.

"Okay then what are we waiting here for? We need to get going!" I said.

"We already have a plan," Steve said.

"Then let's go," I said.

"We also know Jess is with him," Faith said.

"Good I'm killing her."

"Zara I don't think you understand. She's powerful. She can kill one of us easily," Steve said. I walked up to him. I grabbed the collar of his suit. I pulled him inches away from my face.

"I don't care. I'm going to kill her. If you have a problem with that I don't care. We are getting Tyler and that is final. I'm stronger than you and Thor. I might be designed to be like that, but we are going now," I threatened.

"What do you mean designed to be like that?" he asked.

"Alright guys border the Jet," Bucky said. I let go of Rogers and looked at Bucky smiling slightly. He nodded. He remembers. He remembers most of it.

Coffee Man ~Clint Barton Soulmate~ (Avenger AU)Where stories live. Discover now