Chapter Nine

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Everybody loves to tell me I was born an old soul, better keep my eyes wide open

"Hey," I said moving to the front of the jet where Natalia was sitting watching the course. She doesn't have to. Friday will land us when we need to. She also made the jet go normal airline flights do.

"Hey," she smiled.

"Something is bothering you. What is it?" I asked.

"I see you haven't lost your touch," she said with a chuckle.

"You're easier to read. Around here you're not, but I know you. You have a lot to say but will never say it. You have that glint in your eyes before you ask. You are usually in the corner of what's happening, not fully disappearing. I also know that Friday can fly this plane on their own."

"You've done well Harpy," she smiled.

I chuckled slightly. A shiver ran down my back thinking of the last time I was called that. It's been a while. It was when Natalia pushed me into the train cart.

"Just answer the question, Widow," I chuckled.

"I'm just thinking," she answered.

"You're such a big help," I said with a roll of my eyes.

"How did HYDRA know about Hannah?"

"They must have had eyes on me. Which means no one I know is safe."

"We will protect them, I promise."

"We both know we can't promise that. The Red Room taught us that. No promises, no punishment. You know that."

"I learned over the years of working with good people you start to have a little faith until you have hope."

"Mr. America taught you that?" I asked, making her laugh.

"He's had an impact, I'll give him that much. Barton has also had a part in it. The biggest thing was seeing you that day when you were on the couch. After years and years of me thinking you were dead, you were the biggest impact on me getting hope."

I smiled into my hand. "I was also your destruction."

"But you were also my saviour."

"You know Я тебя люблю," I said. (I love you.)

"я тоже тебя люблю," she smiled. (I love you too)

I smiled. I got up and went to the back to see Hannah, Matt, Peggy, and Izzy asleep on some of the seats. Adam and Faith are sword fighting with what looks like sticks. Captain is watching and talking to Clint.

"I've been hit," Faith said, falling to the ground.

"I've won!" Adam said happily.

I ran over and bear hugged him from behind. "Sargent Eagle has you now," I said spinning him around.

"No!" he said.

"What is this? A team up with Sargent Horse and Sargent Eagle?" Faith asked ticking him.

Adam's laughter filled the jet making me smile. I set him down smiling.

"Alright Agent, I've lost," I sighed. I got up and sat next to Clint who was smiling like a fool. "You look like you've been hit by a bus. Why do you look like that?"

"No reason," he said, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Bull," I chuckled as Adam came and sat on my lap. "Hey little man."

"Hello," he yawned.

"Sleep. I'll wake you up when we arrive at the base, okay?"

"Okay." Adam quickly fell asleep in my lap making me smile.

The rest of the ride was like any other plane ride with some of the Avengers. It wasn't boring but it wasn't crazy. When Hannah woke up she started telling stories of when we were younger. Natalia came back and started listening to them. Faith was starting to learn some trading moves from Rogers.

"Alright, Tony just gave me the directions to the safe house," Steve said. "It's going to be saver than the tower." Everyone nodded slightly. "We are dropping you off with agents then we will be down the road at the tower."

"You can't leave the house but it's safer," I said.

"How long until we reach it?" Hannah asked.

"The agents are already there and we are five minutes out," Natalia answered.

We talked for the last five minutes about all the things they can't do. What there names will be. How they can't leave. How agents will be at the doors.

We arrived quickly putting me on edge. I know I can trust Rogers and Nat but everything makes me uncomfortable. I just need to trail and then I should be fine.

"Alright agents," I said, walking Izzy and Adam into the house. They seem confused but they are doing great for someone their age. Normal kids would be crying. "I have a mission for you two."

"Ooo," they both said, sitting on the wooden floor with me. We are in their new room.

"You are going to have to live here for a while. It's only going to be for a bit."

"How long?" Izzy asked.

"Until I find my friend," I answered.

"Is he hiding?" Adam asked.

"Um. No, well kind of. He was taken by some bad people who are playing hide and seek with me and my new friends."

"You'll find him though," Izzy said. "General Eagle is the best out there."

A smile snuck on my lips. I pulled them both into a hug. "Anyway your mission is to be as good as possible for Mommy. For Daddy you can be as terrible as you want."

"I heard that!" Matt called.

"Like I said. Anyway, just be as good as you can. Help with Peggy as much as you can. Oh, and draw me a couple pictures."

"Okay!" They both said happily.

"I'll be back before you know it and you can go back to Alaska."

"Zara, we need to go," Clint said coming into the room.

"Alright, Bird Brain," I said getting up. "I love you two agents."

"We love you too!" They said hugging me again. Hannah came into the room with Matt.

"I'll see you around," I said hugging Hannah.

"That you will," she smiled. "Restez en sécurité." (Stay safe)

"Pareillement," I smiled (Same to you).

"Je t'aime," she said. (Love you.)

"Je t'aime," I said.

It's French. She helped me learn it when I was adopted so I could get my Russin accent out of my voice. It worked for the most part. It also added up to 54 languages. I learned most in the Room.

"Tootles," I said walking out the door of the house. Clint's next to me smiling to himself. He's been doing that for most of the plane ride.

Coffee Man ~Clint Barton Soulmate~ (Avenger AU)Where stories live. Discover now