Chapter Fourteen

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The Fireplace is burning bright, shining all on me.

It's been a couple hours and Tyler and I are fine now. It's weird. I was stabbed and broke my leg. Tyler has been missing for two months and he's walking around like it never happened. We all deal with things differently I guess. I think he might be drugged, but when we were at the base he was acting the same.

"Wait, so you found your soulmate, he's an Avenger, Zach and Faith now live on the tower? And you've been looking for me ever since I was taken?" he asked me later. "You were also HYDRA and the Red Room? And you have a sister? Honestly that's awesomely terrifying. And now Jess is dead? God I love you guys."

"Yeah," I shrugged. "I might have been a little extreme this morning."

"A little?" Steve asked. "You almost killed me because I said Jess is stronger than we thought."

"I could have killed you and then my sister would be in a great murder spree," I said.

Natalia chuckled. "I would," she said. I chuckled leaning into Clint's chest. "I would have started with Bird Brain."

"To get back at her or because that one time I hit you?" Clint asked.

"I forgot you hit me. Now you better run."

"No, I'm already too sore, kill him later," I complained.

"I forgot that happened. You got lucky," she said, eyeing Clint.

"You are welcome," I said, kissing his cheek.

"What are you going to do now?" Faith asked Tyler. "About the soulmate thing."

"Oh, well I learned that people are evil so I'm never trusting anyone again," he answered.

"I like that answer," I said fist pumping him.

"Well, even though we live with psychopaths you learn to trust them," Zach shrugged.

"Psychopaths?" was muttered around the room.

"He's talking about me," I said. Everyone chuckled slightly. "Oh, what is healing us this fast? We should both be in more pain than this."

"Wakanda has given us some of their healing techniques," Tony answered.

"Why?" I asked. "I thought the bros from the 40s got in a cat fight."

"Do not ever say that again," Steve warned.

"Why? Is it not true?" I asked. Clint covered my mouth before I could do anything else.

"They want to form an alliance with us," Natalia answered.

"Again why?" I asked through Clint's hand.

"Just stop talking," Clint sighed.

"Make me," I mumbled.

"You want to go there? I know a couple ways I can."

"I can take you out easily."

The jet slowed down making me sigh. Back at the tower. A safe place. With the safest people I know, well kind of. All the people I know can almost kill you in a heartbeat. My sister, mind as well be on the top ten most dangerous persons list. Almost everyone on this jet has killed someone.

"Alright, it's Christmas!" Tony said. "We have to decorate the tower. We have guests coming over later today. Happy is also going to want it nice. Pepper is helping decorate."

"Who are the guests?" I asked.

"It's a surprise."

"Great," was muttered around the room.

Coffee Man ~Clint Barton Soulmate~ (Avenger AU)Where stories live. Discover now