Chapter Five

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And go back to a time that was different, a time when I didn't feel like there was something missing

Trust. Something I will never fully get is trust. I trust a handful of people with my life. But it's a small number. I guess we all have a number, mine just happens to be 3 people. Hannah used to fully trust a dozen people, but then I was taken into her life and she stopped trusting as much. It's an odd concept to me. I trusted Jess, but look where that got us. Steve and Clint taking us to Stark Tower, all because we trusted the wrong people.

"Alright, the team can be a little strong," Clint started. "We have a cocky billionaire."

"If he flirts or anything just tackle him," I shrugged.

"Got it," Faith and Zach nodded.

"A Russian spy," Clint continued. "Goldilock, and his criminal brother, a man out of ice, ex-HYDRA."

"Three ex-HYDRAs," Steve said. "Wanda, Petrio, and Bucky."

I know all of them. Wanda and Petrio were like brothers and sisters when I was in Hydra. We took care of each other. I thought they were still stuck in Hydra. I guess they were picked up by these guys. Bucky, I mostly know him from training.

"Right, a guy who never leaves his lab, and I think that that's it," Clint finished.

"Clint, we will be fine," I promised. "The worst that could happen is you work with vampires."

"Vampires?" Steve asked.

"You know the blood-sucking creatures?"

"You are so weird," Faith chuckled.

I shrugged as Steve pulled into a parking lot behind the tower. It's plain, not that I was expecting anything else.

"First stop, medical bay," he said getting out of the car. We all did the same. Faith is now walking better. Zach is still helping her. Clint came to me and grabbed my hand. I smiled slightly.

I'm just now knowing what happened. I held a gun, again. I made a promise to myself once I escaped I would never fire a gun again. I know what I can do with one. I've done bad things with them. I've killed children with them. I was forced to but I could have shot myself instead of killing them their screams will always haunt me. I can't bring them back.

I still can't wrap my head around Jess being HYDRA. I know what they look like when they are forced to do things. I was there once. I know the dead look in their eyes, the way they don't fidget or move unless they have to. I stopped in my tracks making Clint look at me weirdly. We were in a hallway. How we got here I have no clue.

"Zara?" Zach asked.

"Jess," I said.

"We know," Faith sighed. "She's HYDRA."

"No, you don't understand," I said. "HYDRA takes people and brainwashes them. They clear your mind as much as they can. They don't let you have real lives. She's not one of the soldiers who were taken from their lives. She volunteered. She signed up for HYDRA on her own. She wanted to kill and murder on her own."

"She couldn't, she wouldn't," Faith tried.

"She did, she was planning to kill us from the beginning," I nodded.

"We can think of that later," Zach said. "I think we all need to recap on everything that has happened."

Faith and I nodded following Steve to the med bay. Clint is still next to me holding my hand. I'm lost in my thoughts. Did Jess know who I was? If she did, why did she just take Tyler?

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