Chapter Three

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Dancing through a dream, underneath the stars

It's been a week since Clint and I met. We've talked a lot. It's been fun. Today we are going on like a date thing? I don't really know. I don't think he does either. We do know that we are soulmates, but we don't know that much about each other. It's one of the many things that confuse me about soulmates. You just meet them and fall in love. Some even marry them after a week, it happened to Hannah. Now she's living her life happily. It's just all so weird.

"So you have a date," Faith said jumping over the couch back. We are home alone again. Zach is at a bachelor party or something and Tyler and Jess are on a date. They go on dates a lot. It gives them something to do besides college.

"Yes, thank you for the reminder," I said with a short laugh.

"I'm sorry this is the most exciting thing that is happening and I have midterms coming up soon," she shrugged.

"How hard has college been on you?"

"Turns out the FBI isn't the nicest in college. It's easy but it's scary knowing psychopaths out really out there and not just in comics. It's like Hydra and now the Red Room."

I nodded. I get it. We all used to think that we were going to rule the world and it was safe. I learned otherwise fairly quickly, but I know Hannah didn't know all of this stuff until I came into her life.

She never had to worry about the Red Room coming after her. I did, I had to watch over my back, still do. They just never had to do anything like that. I used to be jealous of how they would just walk around and never look back. They were never trained to kill people when they were 5. My sister and I had to. It was either that or more training, and training was terrifying.

"It's nothing you can't handle, I mean come on, you deal with Zach everyday," I said. She laughed, making me smile. "I'll tell you what, I'll help with finals and then we can watch as many movies as we want, after the Championships." She laughed again, making me laugh.

"I'll take that offer up, but you have a date and I'm here to help," she said. She dragged me over the back of the couch making us both fall. We burst out laughing. She, literally, dragged me into my room.

"You will be perfect at training if you can drag me up stairs," I chuckled letting up from the floor.

"Yeah," she shrugged. "Now, what kind of date is it?"

"I don't know," I said.

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I don't think either of us know. I think we are just walking around the city."

"I like it. I'm going to need to meet him to make sure he's okay for you," she said pointing at me. I laughed. "You did the same for me when I met Zach."

"I remember that," I laughed. It was their first date and they were going to the movies. He came to the house and I asked him questions while Faith was mumbling things in embarrassment. He didn't mind which was even better. "Good times, good times."

"I miss those," she smiled. "Well now we get you ready for a date! This will be your first date right?"

"Um... yeah," I nodded.

It was always a waste of time and I couldn't trust anyone. In high school I was taken in my freshman year. I came back in senior year. I missed three years of people who didn't have soulmates. Some got them when they were younger but a lot of them didn't have it. Everyone would try to find their soulmate before they got the mark.

"Well, this is going to be great." Faith started going through my closet trying to find clothes.

In the end she decided on a black and white striped shirt with jean shorts. My hair is to my sides in braids. I don't like having my hair down often. It's harder to run if I need to. It's bad that I need to think of that, but I do. If someone is running after me I need to be quicker and stronger. It's one of the reasons I do boxing. To build up my strength and to get my mind off memories. I covered up my bruises with make-up like usual.

Coffee Man ~Clint Barton Soulmate~ (Avenger AU)Where stories live. Discover now