Chapter Fifteen

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(A.N. hey, it's been about a year before I updated this story, but I got the random urge so here's the last. I hope you enjoy it and here you go.)

Through where No One has been before, but it Feels like Home

Wrapping paper is scattered throughout the living room. Adam and Izzy have warmed up to the team. They are talking to the team. I learned Natalia actually has a weak spot for children. She's smiling and talking to them. Everyone is relaxed and enjoying everything. The elevator opened to reveal the King of Wakanda and his sister.

"Ah more guests have arrived," Tony said happily. I've never seen him in this good of a mood. And Elizabeth has been threatening to kill when he gets ten feet away from the entrance to the kitchen.

"We wouldn't miss it," T'Challa said. I only know him because I had to try to kill him once. He and his sister. It was one of my last missions before I escaped for good.

I grabbed Clint's arm without thinking. It's a small reminder that can send you back years. He winced but looked at me with concern laced in his eyes. If only he could read my mind then we won't have the problem of beating each other up.

"Mission," I whispered.

"Зара, ты в безопасности. Они легко прощают," Natalia said. (Zara, you're safe. They forgive easily). I looked at her. She can read me easily, but I don't know whether to believe her. I didn't kill them, I killed their men.

"Мне нужно было их убить. Как они это простят?" I asked. (I needed to kill them. How would they forgive me for that?)

"Доверять ей," Bucky said. I looked at him who shrugged. (Trust her). I forgot he could understand Russian. "Они спасли меня. Они знают, что вас заставили." (They saved me. They know you were forced.)

"Zara, what is it?" Clint whispered.

"I had a mission to kill both of them. I took their people," I said in so low of a voice he could hardly hear me. "You know the scar we have on the side? I got that after for not completing the mission."

"It's okay. No one is going to hurt you, I promise."

"That's the least of my worries. Adam and Izzy don't know about that part of me. They never will. I don't want them finding out. I've been hurt before. I can live with more scares. I don't want the twins to hate me."

"Make yourself at home," Tony said happily. "We have two more guests than we can eat."

"Tony, how many people did you invite?" Steve asked.

"Hannah and her family, T'Challa and Shuir, and Peter and MJ."

"Is Peter the spider kid?" Zach asked.


"I'm not a kid!" a teenage voice rang through the hall. We all looked at the elevator to see a young woman and a teenage boy. We've met him like once. He's one of the lucky ones who found his soulmate right in high school.

"Speaking of kids," Tony said happily. He walked over to Peter and hugged him.

"What kind of Christmas spell did he cast on himself?" Faith asked. "I've never seen him this excited and last month he got a new core or something."

"Spell?" Thor asked. "Man of Iron just loves Christmas!"

"I need to get out more," Faith sighed, making everyone chuckle.

"I hear you," I chuckled.

"For everyone who doesn't know my son and his girlfriend, this is Peter and MJ," Tony announced. "That is T'Challa and Shuri."

Coffee Man ~Clint Barton Soulmate~ (Avenger AU)Where stories live. Discover now