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we had it all. you and me against the world
but the look of innocence in your eyes turned to lust

you became angry because you knew the look in my eyes wasn't the same

we went from laughing in trees of the park to screaming on the phone

we went from teasing each other to taunting each other with harsh words

i knew i had to let you go, but the haunting of our love before the war held a place in my heart

just like a rollercoaster, our ups and downs were the highlight of the ride

i let your lips touch mine, your hands feel the curves of my body, but i couldn't let you touch my soul

your impatience grew and as did my fear

you believed romance was the same as desire and you tried to convince me of this too

you told me you were taking your love elsewhere, and you did- but the love you said you took back

you never even gave to me in the first place

you had enough and for some reason i couldn't get enough

you came back to me with breadcrumbs after you gave a feast to someone else

everything i thought i knew about you, is foreign to me now

the words you said to me shot through me like a bullet, and my wounds were refusing to heal without your medicine

your giant ego was too heavy for you to hold by yourself, so you gave it to me to carry

our ending happened and the credits rolled but i could not leave the theater

i sat in my seat holding my bleeding heart as the blood soaked through my shirt and onto my hands

you began a new storyline with someone else

i hope she fulfills your insatiable cravings

i hope she's everything you wish you had in me

my only hope is you don't throw her away when

you've bitten off all than you can chew

show her the heart you convinced me you don't have

sincerely yours, angel.Where stories live. Discover now