~ S ~ mr johnson - Griffin Johnson

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KEY; y/f/n- your friends name.
            y/f/n/n- your friends nickname.
y/n's pov

"Y/N! hurry your going to be late for school" I heard my mother shout from downstairs. I quickly grabbed my book bag full of finished school work and other 'women stuff'. I raced down the steps almost tripping.

"Sorry ma. Bye I love you" I kissed her cheek as she gave my keys. "Bye hun! Remember I'm not going to be home when you get back" she says pushing me out the door gently.

I nod remembering her telling me she has a meeting for work which was a car dealership.

I jumped in my car and speed to school.


"hey y/n there you are! we're late, hurry" my bestfriend, y/f/n waves at me as the bell rings. "Shit" I mutter under my breath. I hop out of my car, locked it and ran to y/f/n.

"LETS GO" we raced to our lockers, got our math book and went into our class. "your late" the teacher mrs Johnson says once he sees me and y/f/n trying to catch our breaths.

not only am I trying to catch my breath from running, I'm trying to catch my breath from how hot he's is.

Big muscle arms, his abs showing through his grey t-shirt, his hair is slightly messy, his facial hair is just perfectly cut. "Mhm" y/f/n clears her throat, smirking at me. I realized I was staring for too long. So was mrs Johnson..

"oh- uh-" I stuttered, the class chuckles a bit making me feel very embarrassed. "quite down class" johnson walks over to he's desk.

"already so! here we are learning about statistics concepts" he points to the board.

Me and y/f/n finds our seats and sat down.


the school bell ranged while I was finishing my work that mr Johnson gave out. I grab my binder and put my paper in it, "y/l/n! can you come to my class after school?" Mr Johnson asks. I felt my palms and forehead started to get sweaty, I clinched my fist nervously, and took a sharp inhale, "oh-! Uh- y-yeah. of course" I bounced my head having a mini panic. He smiles while nodding back. "alright see you after school" he winks playfully.

I wanted to scream in excitement.

I was screaming in my head which made me even more crazy.

"so, what's going on with you two?" y/f/n sequels pushing my playfully. I rolled my eyes but at the same time, I'm... happy? That he spoked to me I guess.

"nothing y/f/n, he just needs me after school" I chuckled, "yeahhh he needssss you" she giggles running off.

After school.

The bell ranged meaning schools over, I was about to leave the building until y/f/n grabbed my backpack making me swing backwards, "dude what the fuck?" I slightly shouted, "oops- anyways remember you need to see mr Johnson?" She reminds me, I sigh out loudly a bit tired. "yeah, I guess I gotta go. see you tomorrow y/f/n/n" I waved her walking back to the classrooms. "GET THAT DICK Y/N" she screams, I turn around embarrassed and in shocked. I shake my head flipping her off playfully.

"mr Johnson?" I asks softly once I got to his classroom, opening the door. "ah y/n. come in and lock the door" he says in his raspy voice. I furrowed my eyebrows confused on why he need the door locked.

"uh- alright" I walked in and locked the door. I turn around and see me johnson close to me. Like at least a foot away.

"uh?- w-what'd you need johnson?" I questioned stuttering my heart out. He smirked eyeing me up and down. "I see you biting your lip during class you know, squeezing your shirt when ever you need my help and I walk over to you.. stuttering when we talk.. sexual frustrated when I have my black suit on.." he spoke in his low/raspy voice walking closer to me every second, keeping his eyes on my lips and body.

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