~S~ Friends w benefits - Noah Beck💜

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Smut if for godcolby ❤️
(Olivia's POV)

"Hey Liv! Come here" my best Friend y/f/n shouts from downstairs. "Okay! I'm coming" I said standing up. I put on my jeans and walked downstairs

"Hey. What's up?" I asked "The sway boys are coming over in probably about 10 minutes" she says and my widen as she smirks

"Bro! You should've told me sooner" I said running back upstairs. I heard her laughing, I rolled my eyes and closed my door.

I walked to my bathroom which was connected to my bedroom. I grabbed my phone which was surprisingly in here and my speaker.

I played my playlist and turned on the water and waited patiently for it to heat up.

While it's doing that I took off my clothes and got in.


Once I was done shower, I heard laughter downstairs Oh no.. their already here or maybe it's the TV

I groaned and rapped a towel around my body.

I shut my bathroom door behind me as I walked out. "Hey baby girl" someone in a very deep voice making me jump. I turn my head and see noah

"Damn it N. don't scare me like that" I said looking down in fright.

"Aw.. did I scare you that bad?.." he says slowly walking towards me. I looked up at him with a tear in my eye, I slowly nod, than he notices the tears

"I'm so sorry baby girl" he said pulling me into a hug. I couldn't help but hug back. I smiled that the smell of his scent

"Ima make it up to you" he says pulling away. I smirked looking at him. "And that is?." I asked

"This.." he says coming closer. He kisses me and of course I kissed back. His hands went slowly down my back onto my ass.

He squeezes it, making me softly moan. I pulled away. "N-Noah.." I bagged for him. He smirks and stops. He kisses me again and taps on my thigh for me to jump.

I did and he catch me of course.. like always. We didn't break the kiss, he walks to my bed and puts me down softly.

He breaks the kiss and takes off his shirt. I help him making my towel fall off.

I let it happen and just help noah. Once I got his shirt off, he couldn't help but just look at my boobs

"Like what you see?" I asked smirking. He slowly nods and shake his head. "Get down on your knees now." He said in a very deep voice making me wet. I than got idea

"And what if I don't?" I said slowly standing up making the towel fully fall off my body. He smirks looking away. "Do you really wanna go their?" He asks and I nod

"Yeah.." I said softly. He leans in and whispered in my ear "Okay well. If you don't imma make sure you don't walk for a mouth. I'll fuck you soooo hard to where the point the whole ass neighborhood can hear you. I'll suck on your pussy until you can't cum anymore" he whispered making me more excited and wet

"Do it than" I whispered back. He pulls away smirking even more. "Will do babygirl" he said. He grabs me and playfully pushes me on the bed.

I watched him take off his clothes and crawl on me. "You sure?" He asks Awww how cute. He cares. "I don't give a fuck. Do it" I said sounding mad yet bossy

"Ou. I love it when your bossy" he said lining himself up. He pushes himself in me making me groan in pain. "Should I stop?" He asks. "No. Keep going" I said. I grabbed the sheets and squeezed them.

He thrusts slowly, not rushing. "Faster" I moaned once the pleasure came.

He didn't say anything, he just push himself all the way in or I thought so.

"HOLY FUCK!!" I screamed (pleasure) he groans moving faster and faster.

"Fuck Olivia.. your so tight" he says throwing his head back groaning.

I moaned so loud that probably my neighbour heard. For sure the other downstairs can hear me. Hopefully they went somewhere.

"Baby.. I-I'm going to c-cum" I stutter for pleasure "Me too baby. Hold it" he says thrusting faster and harder.

"OH MY GOD!!" I yelled. I moaned and started scratching his back.

After a few thrusts, he started playing with my boobs. "Noah-" I got cut off by a mad Noah. "Call me daddy" he slaps my ass.

I jumped and nod "Sorry daddy. Can I c-cummm" I asked as he thrusts even FASTER. "FUCK!" I moaned

"On three" he said. "One" he said going faster than before, if that's impossible. "Two" he said kissing my boobs.

"Three" he said throwing his head back. I felt his cum fill inside of me making me cum on his large dick.

We moaned, and he falls beside me. "Damn Olivia" he said making me giggle. I tried getting up on my knees but fail. So I crawl to the foot of the bed and hummed "Ima suck the fuck out of you" I said bossy. He smirks and lays back down.

I grabbed his cock and thrust it with my hand. He groans softly making me smile.

I did that for awhile but soon got bored, so I put it in my mouth and started giving him head. "Ugh.. Olivia" he said grabbed my hair. He raps my hair around his fingers and started pushing my head.

He moans loud almost like I did. I decided to go faster.

"Holy fuck baby girl" he moans making my smirks. I deep throat him for a bit and gaged.

But that didn't stop me. I kept going until I felt warm cream in my mouth.

He finally's came.

I swallowed it and sat up straight.

"Damn Baby" he said making me laugh. I wiped the extra cum that was on my lips.

I lay down beside him and cuddled him. He cuddles back and grabs his phone. He puts on music making me smile.

"Is the others gone?" I asked "Yeah." He said "okay good. Are we still friends with benefits?" I asked another question "Yes" he said. I nod and started to feel my eyes get heavy

"Olivia.. I think I'm falling for you.." that the last thing I heard from him when I went into my slumber..

A/n: HIII!! Lol sorry but Olivia I hope you like this smut I made for you and yeah. Please vote! All of yous have have a great day or night. Love you❤️❤️❤️

Word count: 1117

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