~S~ Party - Blake gray🧡

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(Y/n POV)

"Y/n. Cmon let's play truth or dare upstairs" my friend (y/f/n) said pulling me away from some random dude. "Okay okay" I said. I put my cup down and walked upstairs with her.

We walked into a room and sat down sat where everyone is. "Okay close the door" my bestfriend josh said

Some girl did and came and sat down. "Okay let's play. Bryce truth or dare" josh said "Uhhh dare?" He said raising his eyebrow "I dare you too kiss Addison" josh said smirking making me laugh

"Okay" he said going for a kiss. They kissed- well a make out "Okay. Okay. Get out if your gonna have sex" I'm assuming Blake said. I turned my head and looked at him.

They got up and walked out. "Okay anyways.. Blake truth or dare" josh said "dare" he said blankly "I dare you to have sex with y/n" josh says and our eyes went wide

"I- okay" he said getting up. I was speechless, so I got up and (y/f/n) was smirking "Get that dick" she says making me giggle.

We walked out into another room. He closes the door and walks towards me.

"Blake-" I got cut off by him kissing me and of course I kissed back. I bite his lip for entrance, and he slowly opened his mouth.

After our tongues danced, he tapped on my thigh for me to jump, so I did and he catches me.

He walks towards the bed and put me down softly. He starts kissing my neck and went down. He founded my sweet spot which was under my ear.

He sucked on it making me moan softly. "Blake.." I moaned. "Found it" he says and He hums and stop. He took off his shirt and I took off mine.

After our clothes were off beside our underwear, he kissed my stomach and my thighs "Blake.. eat me out" I said and he smirks. "Will do babygirl" he says and takes off my underwear.

He kisses my clit making me moan "Daddy. Stop." I said than he starts to eat me out. "Oh my god! Daddy" I moaned. Than I felt a finger go inside my pussy making me moan louder.

"I'm.. im going to c-cum daddy" I said and he stops. I pouted and he smirks "Wait. I have something better" he says and takes off his underwear.

He lined himself up and looks at me for Permission. I nod and he slammed himself in me

"Oh fuck" I yelled. He than starts to thrust into me making me moan loud. "D-daddy. Faster" I bagged.

He than starts moving faster and faster. "Holy f-fuck.." I moaned. I grabbed the sheets and squeezed them.

"Oh god fuck y/n. Your so tight" he says and groaned.

After that the room fills with full of moans and bagging. I than started scratching his back

"I'm- im going to cum daddy" I said. "Just wait baby girl" he says and I hold it.

After a few thrusts, he nods for me to release. I did and right after I came, he cum inside of me.

We moaned and he laid down right beside me. "Damn baby girl.." he says. I than got up and started kissing on his neck. "Y/n" he groans which means I found his sweet spot.

I sucked on it for awhile and giving him more hickeys.

I kissed down his abs and to his dick. I put the tip in my mouth and he moans

"Baby girl stop teasing" he groans making me smirk. I look at him and deep throat him making him moan loud like I did.

I keep deep throating him and I gag. I stop for awhile and thrust him with my hand.

He grabs head making me suck his dick again.

I deep throat him for awhile making me gag of course and he cums in my mouth. I swallowed it and he gives me big eyes.

I giggled and wiped the extra cum that was on my lips.

"We should do that more" he says and i nod. We laid down for awhile and cuddling.

"Oh shit. I forgot about the game" I said getting up and he chuckles "Me too" he says and gets up. We get ready but I looked at his back

"Omg Blake. Your back" I said and he chuckles "I know.. you scratch pretty hard" he said walking towards a mirror and looking at the scratches.

We changed and he kissed me. I kissed back and we walked back to the room. "Wow you guys were LOUD asf" josh said making me blush

"At least she got that dick" y/f/n said making my laugh.

A/n; Hi! Sorry this smut was bad. I'm not great at doing them. Buttt hope you liked it byeee

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