~S~ Stripper - Bryce hall❤️

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This Smut is for slaynoreta
(Sharon's POV)

"Sharon. Your on in 10 get ready" my boss mark said. "Yes sir" I said standing up from my set. "Good luck girl" my best friend Mya said "Thanks" I said walking into the change rooms with my outfit in hand.

I put on my fishnets and my hair down

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I put on my fishnets and my hair down. I walked out and the girls started shouting/Whistling. "Yas girl!" Emma said making me giggle and blushing

"Alright, alright. Sharon, you on" mark said. I sign and nod "Yeah okay" I said walked out and went to the front where the pole is. Everyone started whistling and shouting like the girls did but wayyyy louder and the voices are deeper.

"Good luck. It's a rough crowed" the girl that was just on says. I sign again and stand by the pole waiting for my song to come on

(Song up top)

Once it came one, I walked around the pole until the music drops.

Once it does I spin around it making them sit back in there chairs. I went upside down and rap my legs around the pole.

I danced a bit until a ass guy got my eye. Holy fuck.. ima do sum

I walked away from the pole and started twerking. "Yeah!!" That boy, that cough my eye said. I smirked and decided to do more.

I looked at the bouncer and he nods. I walked off the table or stand. I walked towards him and he smiles.

I give him a lap dance and he touches my ass. I let him even thou you can't do that (I don't know if you can or not)

I felt something go in my fishnets, so I looked. I see a 200$ tip in it. I smiled and whispered "Thanks" I said getting up. "No problem" he says.

I than smirked and looked at the bouncer I did our sign for to see if I can have sex with him. He than nod and I smiled.

"Come with me" I said grabbed his hand. He stands up and i'm assuming his friends started hyping him up.

I lead him to the VIP room and opened the door. We walked in and close it. I looked at him and smiled "Hi I'm Sharon" I said pushing him on the small bed that was in here.

"Bryce. Bryce hall" he said smirking.

"Well Mr.hall. What do you want me to do" I asked. He smirks even bigger and switch places with me. "I should be asking you that" he said. I smiled and nod.

"Do whatever" I said laid down. He nods and rips my fishnets, takes off my outfit and starts eating me out. I moaned throwing my head back.

After awhile, he pulls away and smirks "Why stop?" I pouted "Because I have something better" he said pulling his pants down.

I smirked as he pushes himself inside me. "Oh god Bryce" I moaned. He groans and keep thrusting.

"Faster" I moaned. He doesn't say anything and does what he was told. The room filled with full of deep or cute moans.

"B-Bryce" I moaned scratching his back in pleasure. He chuckles than moan. "F-faster" I bagged. He goes faster than a fucking human does. I moaned loudly and arched my back.

He goes deeper and faster. Damn can this man do anything else?..

I questioned myself.

"I-I needa c-cum" I said. "Hold it" he says groaning. I arched my back more and rolled my eyes back.

"Please Bryce. I need to cum" I bagged moaning loudly. "On five" he said "One" he said going DEEPER. "Two" he said going FASTER. "Three" he said throwing his eyes back. "Four" he says moaning like I did. "five" we both said cumming.

We moaned and he lays beside me.

"Your turn" I said getting up. I went down on my knees and put my hair back.

I grabbed his cock and thrusted it with my hand. He moans, throwing his head back. After awhile I soon got bored so I put it in my mouth and deep throat him.

"Holy Fuck shar" he said my nickname (idk if it is..)

I gagged but that didn't stop me. I kept going and going until he cum in my mouth, moaning.

I pulled away and swallowed it. I wipe the extra cum that was on my lips.

"Can I get your number?" He asks I giggled and nod "Yeah it 1 272- 570- 8254 (random number)" I said. He nods while I sat down.

"We should probably get out of the room so the other can use it" I said sitting up. My legs started shaking but not badly.

"Sorry" Bryce says felling bad "No no. It's okay" I said putting my clothes on.

Once we got everything, we left the room and I see his friends hyping him up. I smiled and shake my head


And for the couple of mouths. He never stop coming here...

A/n: HI! Sharon I really hope you like this smut I made for you and yeah. I love you all and please vote if you like this. I'll be doing iloveswaylaboys smut tomorrow or tonight because I stayed up all night AGAIN. Okay I'll stop talking. BYE I LOVE YOU❤️❤️❤️❤️

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