~ M ~ PROM - Jaden Hossler🖤

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You sat and cried, sitting on the seats at the back while everyone was having fun, dancing happily. Your date left you to dance with another girl.

You buried your face in your arms on the white sheeted table. You never wore any make-up, so crying was okay right now. "Probably that was the reason why no one likes me." You thought to yourself.

Jaden's POV:

I was required to check on everyone and if everything's okay. I walked around as I saw a girl in dark green dress, hair perfectly styled, crying with her head buried in her arms.

"What is a beautiful girl like you doing all by yourself here?" I sat down next to her, but she wouldn't say anything, nor look at me. "Are you alright?" I asked her as she slowly lifted her head up and faced me. It was Y/n, she was gorgeous.

Y/n's POV:

I heard a familiar voice as I looked up, Hossler. I stared at him for a while, he was dressed neatly, his suit and tie and especially his hair. I was embarrassed, I couldn't let him see me like this.

"O-oh... H-hi jaden.." I wiped away my tears, but my eyes were still red from crying. "Y/n? Are you alright?" Jaden asked. "What happened?" "Well... My date... He left me.." I replied with a sad sigh.

"How dare he!" Jaden gasped. "You know what y/n, let me be your date." Jaden said. "N-no need jaden..." You blushed a bit. "You don't have to do that."

"What if I want to?" Jaden looked at your e/c orbs. "U-uh.." You blushed a bit, but then nodded. You did actually quite like him, why turn down the chance?

"Sure." You smiled at him as he returned the smile. "You know, you're really beautiful when you smile." Jaden blurted out.

"W-What did you say?" You asked, as if you had heard it wrong. "You heard me well and clear, y/n." Jaden smiled as he reached to your face and locked the piece of hair that was covering your face.

He moved it to the back of your ear and shifted his hand to your chin as he raised it up a little. Slowly leaning towards you, both of you closed your eyes as your lips touched. It was a soft and sweet, passionate kiss.

"Shall we dance now, m'lady?" Jaden then stood up as he bowed and reached out his hand. "I'll take that offer." You smiled as you took his hand.

Elvanlin speaks🦋: Shit , shit , shit shit. I'm sorry and I am not going to make up a lame excuse and say "sorry I wasn't 'posting' ". But n e wayzzz. How are you guys? I'm bored as fuck sooooo... I might be posting again..? MAYBE alright I'll shut the fuck now pce


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