M ~ Always & Forever - Griffin Johnson

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KEY; y/l/n - your last name.
also don't play the music^ until I say so :)

Griffin's pov |

"Y/n!" I heard y/n's mother calls out for her.
Y/n groans whipping her tears away and getting out of bed, "WHAT!" She screams from the top of the stair case. I slowly walk over and see she was pissed..

Sad, worried.. and mostly lonely..and it's because of my fault.

"don't you dare scream at me" y/n's mother walks up the stairs angrily point her finger at y/n. Y/n rolls her eyes and shakes her head "what do you want? I was sleeping" she lies.

Lie.. another one..
all because of me.
It's my fault..

"you sure?, because I can hear you crying from the kitchen." Y/n's mother teases her. Y/n once again rolls her eyes because I'm assuming she just wants to lie down again. "Mom please.. what do you want?" Y/n questions. I raised my eyebrow curious too.

"you okay?.." the mother asks her daughter. I furrowed my eyebrows together wondering the same. I look at y/n and see she has stained tears, a very red nose, red cheeks, her hair messy tie into a bun. "I-.. I don't know? Mom how do you think am I?" Am I okay? Am I not crying all night?" Y/n screams frustrated. I wanted to touch her shoulder to pull her back like always but at this time.. I couldn't.

"y/n please calm down-" "what!? You seriously going to tell me to calm down when you know what happened a week ago and know I can't !?" They scream at each other. I furrowed really wanting to tell them to please stop yelling like I always do.

"Y/N HE'S GONE!" Y/n's mother shouts. Y/n backed away slightly taken back a bit. "I-.. DON'T YOU THINK I ALREADY KNOW THAT!? YOU THINK I'VE BEEN CRYING FOR A WEEK FOR NOTHING? MY BOYFRIEND THAT'S MY LATE HUSBAND DIED LAST WEEK!!" y/n screams. I felt my heart break even more.

I hate seeing them like this.

"I KNOW Y/N! I FUCKING KNOW" they continue screaming at each other while I look at both of them back and forth like air. "Ugh! I hate you!" Y/n storms to her room, stomping her feet on the ground to make sure her mother can heard clearly.

I look at y/n while she slams the door shut. I heard y/n's mother sigh softly holding back tears. "Griffin.. if you hear me. Please talk to her.. go into her dreams and tell her to stop. Please".. the poor women begs for me. I slightly smile trying to touch her shoulder but again. Couldn't.

"I'll try my best ms y/l/n" I said. But she can't hear me. It's like I was talking to air. I'm air. I let go and walk over to y/n's room. I phase through and see she's crying on the piano I've got her for, her 19th birthday last year.

"Griffin please come back.. please" y/n my late wife cries out. I furrowed even more if that's possible, letting out a tear on my right cheek. "I'm sorry princess.. but I can't" my voice faints through her ear drums. Y/n stop crying for a second and turns around fast. I furrowed my eyebrows confused wondering if she heard me.

"Griff?.. Baby was that you?" Y/n asks trying her best not to cry again. I nod sitting down on the wooden chair with her. "yes" again. She heard me.

I smiled happily but also sad she couldn't see me. "oh my god.." y/n breaks down again.

I sniffed letting go all of my tears.

Few moments later

No one's pov | play song ^

Y/n finally stopped crying and rested her head on the piano. She lifts her head slightly catching griffins eye. Griffin's dead body that no body can see moves from the chair and watched y/n putting her fingers on the key's.

"Here I am waking up
Still can't sleep on your side
There's your coffee cup
The lipstick stain fades with time
If I can dream long enough
You'd tell me I'd be just fine
I'll be just fine"

Y/n sings softly.

"So I drown it out like I always do
Dancing through our house
With the ghost of you
And I chase it down
With a shot of truth
Dancing through our house
With the ghost of you"

Griffin's eyebrows furrowed again..

"Cleaning up today
Found that old Zepplin shirt
You wore when you ran away
And no one could feel your hurt
We're too young, too dumb
To know things like love
But I know better now"

"So I drown it out like I always do
Dancing through our house
With the ghost of you
And I chase it down
With a shot of truth
Dancing through our house
With the ghost of you"

"With the ghost of you.." griffin sings along. He stares at y/n seeing new tears falling down slowly. He sit down next to y/n again singing more letting y/n know he's still there.

"Too young, too dumb
To know things like love
Too young, too dumb"

They both sang. Y/n hears another voice singing along so she looks over slightly suspecting nothing but..

She sees her dead husband sitting down next to her, helping the women with the keys to play the music. She was in shock at first and so was griffin but she knew he would be there for her. Always.

Griffin look at the women that he calls wife and smiles happy to know he's love of his life sees him even when he's dead.

"So I drown it out like I always do
Dancing through our house
With the ghost of you
And I chase it down
With a shot of truth
That my feet don't dance
Like they did with you"

They finished the song. Y/n breaks out, still staring at her husband. "I love you princess.. I'm always with you. Forever. But you need to let go" griffin tell her. Y/n shakes her head not wanting to. "Please love.. thats the only way me, and you can rest..I know it hard but like I said, I always with you.. our child" griffin points to her belly.

Y/n stops crying and looks at her stomach. She's pregnant..

Y/n smiles softly, touching her belly with two hands. One for her and her love, griffin Johnson.

"Okay.. you can go. But please visit me.. our child" y/n smiles sadly want to take back what she said but she needed too. For her husbands child.

.. "Always & Forever" ..

'I' speaks: helloooo Ik I'm sorry for the sad imagine but cmon.. I had to lmao. Anyways how was your day?
Night/morning/, after noon. Mine was okay a bit boring but..
Anyway... I really hope you like this sad imagine and let me know if you want more. Bye


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