~M~ accident - Josh richards 💛

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(Nessa barrett x Josh Richards imagine)

(Play song up top)
*Nessa's POV*
*RING. RING* "Mommy! Your phones ringing" my daughter Gracie said. "Okay, thank, You hun. Here eat your cookie" I said giving her a cookie.

She smiled and eats it. I grabbed my phone and press accept and also put the phone to my ear

"Hello." I said. "Hi is this Ms.Richards?" They asked. My face went even more confused "Yes this is she" I said

"Okay, I'm sorry but Josh Richards is at the hospital right now. He's in a coma. He got in a car accident at 11am. This is he's emergency call" they said. I drop my phone and stayed still.

He's in a coma?... what happened? How? He was with me..

A tear rolled down my face and Gracie saw "Mommy what's wrong?" She asks. I fake smiled and wiped it "Nothing baby" I said.

I bend down and grabbed my phone. "Hi. I'm sorry. Can I come by?" I asked walking away from Gracie.

"Yeah sure." They said. I hanged up and walked back to Gracie. "Hi baby. Daddy got in a accident, wanna go visit him?" I asked and she gets up.

"Yes mommy. What happened? Is he going to be okay?" She asks as a tear rolled down her face. I wiped it away and faked smiled

"Yes hun. He's going to be okay. Why not go get Colby and Brooklyn." I said and she smiles "Okay!" She said running upstairs.

I followed and went into me and josh's room. As soon as I closed the door, I broke down crying.

"Omg.. dear lord.. please keep my husband alive. I need him here. He's kids need him here" I bagged. I stand up and walk towards my closet.

I got out sweats, a black crop top and white Air Force ones.

I leave my hair down and walked out. I see colby and Brooklyn standing there "Mom what happened?" Brooklyn my 2nd youngest daughter said. She's 17 years old.

"Your father is in the hospital. He got in a car accident and now he's in a coma" I said and she tears up. Colby look at me scared yet worried.

"Omg.. can we go visit him?" Colby asks he's my oldest child, he's 18. I nod "yes. Hurry get ready while I change Gracie" I said and they nod.

They went to their rooms and I turned my head. I see Gracie sitting on the ground in front of me crying.

"Mommy.." she says. Oh god she heard me

"I'm sorry baby.." I said hugging her. She hugs back and cry's for hope. "Hey look at me" I said pulling away.

She looks and started crying more. "It's okay. He's going to be okay. He's a very strong man beautiful." I said wiping her tears away.

She nods and stands up. "Now cmon. Let's go get change" I said walking away holding her hand.

We walked into her room and she sits down on her bed. I walked to her closet and got out a pair of shoes, a cute shirt and pants.

I put them on her and she grabs her bear that josh got her.

We walked out, downstairs into the kitchen where Colby and Brooke are.

"Cmon" I said grabbed my phone and keys. They followed me outside into the car.

Brooke buckles up Gracie and I pulled out of the drive way.


We all ran into the hospital with Gracie in my arms.

We went to the front and started talking "Hi. Where's josh Richards?" I asked and they looked up. "Hi. Are you his family?" They asked and we nod

"Okay. He's in room b23" they said and I smiled. We walked away and into a walkway.

B18.. b20.. b22... B23!!

I stoped and ran into the room. I stoped once I was him. My husband laying lifelessly on the hospital bed.

I put Gracie down and walked towards him.

"Hi baby" I said grabbed his hand. The kids went to the other side and they started crying "Dad.." Brooke started. "Aw.. come here baby" I said standing up, walking towards her with opened arms.

We had a group hug and sat back down. "Are you guys hungry?" I asked and they nod "Okay. Here's 50$" I said pulling out the money.

I give it to colby and he takes it. "Be safe you too" I said and they nod and walk out.

I looked back at josh and bursted out crying. I grabbed his hand and hold it while I sit down.

"Baby I need you.. we need you, your kids josh. Your family, friends, your fans.." I said as tears fall onto my lap

"B-baby?..." someone said softly. I looked up and see josh up. "JOSH!!" I shouted. I hugged him tightly and he hugs back.

We pulled away and smiled "Oh my god.. I missed you so much" I said "I missed you too. Where's the kids?" He asks "They're getting food. Ima go tell the doctor" I said walking out.

"Hi josh Richards is up" I said as I walked up to the front office. "Oh okay great" they say. We walked back to joshes room and they give him medicine.

"Hey mom- DAD!!" Someone shouted. We looked there way and see the kids. Brooke and Gracie cried and ran up to him.

"I missed you so much daddy" Gracie said hugging him "I missed you too baby." Josh said I smiled and they all hugged him.

A/n: Hi!! I'm sorry it's short and bad. And also for not posting for awhile.
I hope you liked it and ima post about Blake again. 🖤🖤

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