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Hello! I'm back with another update. The story may seem slow from this point on, but it'll all have a purpose at some point. Hope you enjoy! =^_^=


"Someone saw me die."

Soobin stood in the hallway, his mouth slightly ajar. He was stunned at Yeonjun's revelation. However, he slowly looked down at his bag, pretending to sort through it as he spoke to Yeonjun.

"Okay, so?"

"So?! What do you mean? This is huge! Maybe you were right. Maybe I didn't die the way I thought."

"Or maybe, I was wrong. Maybe I'm just some guy trying to stick my nose where it doesn't belong." Soobin locked eyes with Yeonjun before looking at his phone, seeing he only had five minutes until class.

"Soobin ..."

"And it was probably just someone who was passing by. They saw you and probably called an ambulance or something. You're overthinking it."

"But ..." Yeonjun looked at the floor, taking a deep breath to speak again before being interrupted.

"I need to get to class." Soobin placed his bag over his shoulder. "Don't dwell on it, okay? I shouldn't have said anything in the first place."

Before Yeonjun could say anything else, he looked up to find Soobin already gone. He hadn't even seen where Soobin went. Before he knew it, the entire hallway was empty, classes already having begun. Yeonjun sighed, placing his hands in his pockets as he moved out of the building. He found himself back in the courtyard, a place he found himself a lot lately.

"Soobin's probably right. That person probably saw me and freaked out. I just got my hopes up for nothing."

Yeonjun found his usual spot at the fountain, laying down on his back as he placed a hand under his head. A nearby tree created enough shade to keep the sun out of his eyes. He decided that resting would be better than dwelling on his thoughts for too long. Even though he didn't need sleep anymore, there was some comfort in keeping some sort of a routine from when he was alive. Before he knew it, he had dozed off, the sound of the water from the fountain lulling him to sleep.


Soobin had finished his last class of the day, making a mental list in his head of what he wanted to get done that night. The list of assignments was beginning to pile up as finals week continued to approach. He also knew that he needed to start studying, not wanting to fall behind like he did around finals last semester.

He walked out of the building, the warm air hitting his skin. There was something about being outside that gave him energy, even if he hated being around other people on campus. He'd rather be by himself, wishing there was a place on campus that was both solitary but outside. However, most outdoor seating was constantly taken up by other groups of students, always making Soobin feel too anxious to stay outside for too long.

"I guess I'll go study in my room tonight. I'll grab something for dinner later."

As Soobin was walking to his dorm, he noticed the head of pink hair at the fountain, the figure seeming to be sleeping. Soobin smiled, happy to see the man looking so peaceful. He took a deep breath before he continued walking to his dorm. The walk was calm, a small breeze making the warm weather more manageable.

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