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Hey everyone! So, I just noticed that my last chapter never actually posted last week :( :( :(

I'm so sorry I didn't notice earlier!!! I was wondering why I hadn't heard from you all! Well anyways, this week is a new week, and I have another update for you so .... 2 for 1?? Haha

And I'll be sure this one actually gets posted this time. So sorry again about that!!! But anyways, hope y'all are ready for the next part of this story!!  Hope you enjoy it!!

Song Recs:

Back In My Arms - Carlie Hanson

Love Sight - TXT

Lovely - Fly By Midnight


They both hadn't realized how much time had passed, leaving Soobin's dorm at a very late hour. They were both walking back towards the courtyard, a center point before they'd have to split up to their different dorm buildings. Taehyun's hand was firmly interlocked with Beomgyu's, both of them silent as they felt the cool breeze on their skin.

It wasn't long before they reached the courtyard, both of them stopping slowly before turning towards each other. Beomgyu could tell Taehyun's mind was racing, rubbing his thumb on the back of the boy's hand as he waited for the other to speak. After a couple seconds, Beomgyu decided to break the silence himself.

"Tae, what's wrong?" Beomgyu's eyes were full of concern, grabbing the boy's other hand as they fully faced each other.

"N-nothing." Taehyun's gaze moved to the ground before looking to his right, doing everything to avoid Beomgyu's eyes.

"Tae ..." Beomgyu squeezed the boy's hands lightly. "Something's bothering you. What is it?"

Beomgyu watched as Taehyun kept avoiding eye contact. He began swinging their hands between them, his gaze soft as he tried to think about what his boyfriend was thinking. Taehyun sighed, finally looking up so his eyes locked with Beomgyu's.

"I'm just ... nervous about going back to my dorm. I don't know if Kai is still angry with me, and ... I don't know." Taehyun lost confidence in his voice, looking back at the ground.

Beomgyu could understand why his boyfriend was cautious about going back to his dorm, Kai's outburst earlier being a bit unsettling. Beomgyu was trying to think of a solution, something to make the boy feel better. He could feel the breeze blowing through him, continuing to rub Taehyun's hands with his thumbs in hopes of keeping them warm.

"Want to stay at my dorm tonight?"

Beomgyu said it before he really thought about it, watching as Taehyun's head shot up quickly to look at him. It was as if Taehyun forgot how to breathe for a second, his next breath slightly ragged from the surprise comment. Taehyun cleared his throat before pulling both of his hands lightly out of Beomgyu's grip.

"You don't have to offer that, you know? I'll be fine."

"So, you don't want to come to my dorm?" Beomgyu couldn't help but be a little deflated.

"I ... I didn't say that." Taehyun's fingers had found purchase in his shirt, his eyes only glancing at Beomgyu before looking back at the ground with blush now covering his cheeks.

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