Part 2 - Chap 3

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AN -  Omg! An update! So I got a new phone, Galaxy note 4! Woohoo! I'm getting used to writing here. It might mean that chapters will be shorter but hoping that I'll be able to do stuff regularly now. I feel sad though that I got knocked out of the top 50 for fiction. Oh well.

*warning* unedited, spontaneous (cause I lost my notes in my laptop) chapter. Bear with me please.

Dy/Damien's POV

*f- it. The wattpad app editor is so buggy* and just a reminder
Matt = Kirk and Dy = Damien cause people seem to get confused. My fault though.

"RAY!" My feet pounded on hot concrete as my voice blasted over the empty ceremony grounds. There weren't that many students around because of the heat. Only a group of cheerleaders surrounding the flagpole and hoisted halfway was Ray. He was just dangling there with his white underwear stretched tight. I know he doesn't feel pain that much but at this distance, I could see beada of sweat forming from his perpetual half-grinning face. Jenny laughed hard while the rest of her friends chuckled nervously.

Miki caught up to me and I saw she had her phone next to her ear. "-the quadrangle ASAP!"

"Who was that?" I growled. We were still meters away from Ray.

"Matthew." She said simply which made me growl more. Miki only stuck out her tongue but her step almost made her bit off a part of it. "Hwe wanfed meh to hlook afteh yau."

I rolled my eyes at her but deep inside I was grinning. It made feel good to know that Kirk  Glancing ahead, that grinned turned into a snarl.

Jumping as high as I my limiters allowed, I reached Ray and quickly snapped his underwear from the rope and grabbed the pople for balance.

"Yowtch!" Ray exclaimed. The elastic band of his underwear snapped over rapidly purpling flesh that I winced looking at. I let go of the pole and jumped to where Miki was. Handing Ray to her, I immediately confronted Jenny.

"Picking on humans now Jenny?"

"That freak isn't human!" She snarled back at me. Behind her, her posse looked terrified. Of course they heard about me as the mate of the soon to be Alpha. News traveled fast as they usually do in Werewolf packs. For once I was thankful because it pushed the issue of me being an Omega out of the way. Temporarily.

I gave Jenny my lowest growl. "Watch your mouth and remember what we are!" Bitch. I don't get it. Jenny wasn't this vindictive. I still remember seeing her at the pack before my banishment. She was always indoors as her parents were extremely protective. I thought she was sick. One day she met Adrian and apparently they were early mates. The type of mates that find out that they were destined for each other. Since then she stuck to Adrian like bubblegum in hair. She seemed to grow stronger everyday. I guess that's the beauty of finding mates. I know she's angry at Ray but it still does not justify her actions.

I held her gaze as calmly as a could. If calm could be used to describe me baring my fangs in a half-smile.

"What's going on here?!"

Adrian's POV

The ground felt flaky beneath my paws. I was running towards the school as soon as Matt told me that Ray was in trouble. He did tell me that Damien was there but I couldn't help myself. As soon as the ceremonial cleansing for the Beta heir was done, I transformed immediately and started running.

It's a good thing this country had lots of forests. Werewolves and several other supernaturals wanted it that way. One such forest lead directly to a highway. From there school is just a5 minute bus ride.

I sniffed out the scent of my nook for a change of clothes. There was a commmunal nook near the bus station comfort room where the pack Werewolves kept spare clothes. However as a Beta heir, I had my personal nook near a clump of pine trees like Matt's. Plus I didn't want to accidentally get fleas from communal nook. Grabbing slightly wrinkled clothes, I dressed as fast as I could and flagged a bus.

At the entrance, I strained my senses to look for Ray. The quadrangle was empty. Shit!

"Hey you!" An ornery campus guard stopped me from entering the school gate. I held out my wrist and the guard slapped two limiter bracelets on. My knees almost went weak. I'm lucky enough to get two. Matt needed three bracelets to bring down his strength to acceptable human levels. I heard Dy has five on top of the herbal doses his mom made him drink.

Running towards the school I met the school secretary. She exclaimed. "Adrian!" Lowering her voice as humans passed us, the secretary continued. "What a surprise, I thought you were undering rituals."

"I'm done maam." I was getting antsy. "Er, I need to see my mate maam." Ray is probably in trou-

"Oh yes, Jenny is at the principals office. "

My heart lurched. I forgot about Jenny, my real mate. The realization made me feel guilty.

Mumbling a thanks, I headed towards the principal's office. Inside the lounge Jenny sat from the other side of the room. Near the door on a bench were  Damien, Miki and my Ray. A school aide sat in the table in the middle of the room looking bored. Miki didn't look up as she was engrossed with her phone. Now I know why Marco kept opening his phone as we finished our ritual. Steeling myself I gulped the small lump in my throat and composed my face.

Jenny looked up and smiled warily, her eyes shifting quickly between me and Ray. Ray on the other hand was sleeping peacefully with his head on Damien's shoulder. Bile rose in my throat and I started growling causing the school aide to whio her head around nervously.

"Seriously!" Jenny hissed. "I'm your mate!" Her shriek showed her dominant side. Maybe she is a dominant werewolf like me. I guess that's why we knew each other as mates when we were just 12 or so. But when I look at Ray, my body also screamed mate! In fact it was stronger than with Jenny.

Was it possible that I have two mates? It was possible. Most triples, or couple plus one usually have trouble adjusting with each other. Maybe this was the problem. Jenny might learn to like Ray.

A drowsy voice broke through my musings. "Hi." Ray rubbed his eyes like a cat. "You came..." Just then he gave me a slow sleepy smile. Somehow this started my heart beating faster than usual and I couldn't help but grin back.

Jenny growled and I looked at her rapidly yellowing eyes.


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