Where There's a Will, There's a Wall (1)

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Ruby: So, what the heck are we going to do with her?

Agent North Carolina was tied up inside the Blue Base, unconscious and in armor lock. Agents South Dakota, Washington, formerly Hawaii, and the AIs Delta and Beta were in the room, watching over her. 

South: How the hell should we know? She literally just showed up and tried to kill Tucker.

Delta: It is likely that she is searching for remnants of Project Freelancer.

Wash: What makes you think that?

Delta: The Red and Blue soldiers are currently recorded with being able to kill three Freelancers. Need I remind you that two of them are the Meta and Agent Texas?

Wash: If that is the case, what would she want with them?

Ruby: I guess we'll find out when she wakes up. What do you think?

She glanced to her AI.

Allison: I think we need to keep me a secret.

Delta: Agreed. Agent North Carolina should not be allowed to know of Beta.

South: Just stay inside Ruby's head.

Allison: Will do. . .

Ruby: There's another thing I want us to do.

Wash: Which is?

Ruby: I don't want her to know that I remember her. I want her to believe I'm still an amnesiac.

The Magenta Girl had only told the Freelancers and the AIs the details of her repaired memory, mostly because they were in her memories. The Reds and Blues know she has them back, but they didn't have much to do with them, so she got them to not bother despite their curiosity about her past life. However, they do know her last name.

South: Why?

Wash: Probably because we can't trust her.

Ruby: Exactly. Especially not after she shows up and tries to kill one of us.

Allison: You mean because she tried to kill Tuc-

Ruby: Hush!

Wash: Right.

Delta: I recommend we tell the others, namely Caboose.

South: I've got it. Tex, wanna help me scare them into it?

Allison: Heh, right behind ya.

Beta turned into the Ghost Tex form and followed the orchid freelancer out of the base, leaving Ruby, Wash, and Delta with Carolina.

Wash: I know we can't trust her and all, but are you sure about this? What will not telling her actually do?

Ruby: To be honest. . . *sighs* I don't know. I just want to be careful. . . especially with the guys.

Wash looked down to his old squad leader.

Wash: Better safe than sorry.

Ruby: Hey Delta, what are the chances that she'll be. . . Well, worse than the last time we saw her?

Delta: 100% chance of having a worse mental state than before her disappearance.

The two sighed.

Ruby: Well, here goes nothing. Wake her up, D.

Delta: Executing.

North Carolina's armor lock was disabled. . . and it'd only be a matter of time before she awakens. . . .

Red Vs Blue, & there's Magenta: Season TenWhere stories live. Discover now