Part 1 - Memory

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Naib's Pov:

Blood, war, death... things I have repeatedly seen for the past decades. Chased by bounty hunters "Pathetic " Watching their attempts for catching me alive, "not that easy folks". I won't allow you to catch me that easily. 

There is one time I was nearly caught, after my old injury split apart in my upper abdomen, I wasn't moving as fast as I used to. I got beaten up by a stick, but I managed to stagger away and hid in a nearby alley filled with trash bins... I was waiting for them to leave, but my stomach suddenly ache horribly, and I just blacked out in the alley. 


Jack's Pov: 

As a rich and world classed noblemen, I often still like to aid the injured or distressed people. As I walked by a short, black alley, I smelled the familiar smell of blood. I nodded to my maid to check out who is bleeding so much... and she came out to tell me and young boy who was beaten up  and left in the alley to die. I slowly approached the young boy, spread my arms gently and scooped him up. I carefully carried him back to my mansion which wasn't far, the boy winced and twisted in my arms as more blood poured out from his gut... I couldn't help but stare at the white, pale beautiful skin the boy has. 

When I finally reached my home, I carefully placed the boy onto a guest room bed, asked my maid to treat and bandage his wound, then I placed the blanket over him and let the battered young boy to rest.

[TIME SKIP 3 days later]

Naib's Pov:

Gently waking up from the comfort of a nice bed and sheets... wasn't I in the alley? Am I caught? Surprisingly there wasn't a cuff nor chain attached to my arms or legs, next to me was a beautiful maid, silently washing my wounds. "I see you are awake" she said with a smile... a smile so warm... "I should call my master to check on you", "Wait---" my voice trailed off. "Yes?" she replied. 

"Where am I?" 

"The Master will answer your concerning questions, please wait and don't move since that can inflict more pain to your abdomen" 

With that said, the maid slowly got up, gently closes the door and walked down the hall. A moment later, the door creaked open and a tall and slim man walked in. With a single glance I noticed he is definitely the Master of this house. 

"I know you are worried, but don't fear... my maid is a world class doctor, we will carefully treat your wounds... old and new."

"Who--- and where am I?"

"I am Jack, an artist... you are in my house... my mansion"


(3rd person pov)

"A mansion? Those bastards sold me to a rich guy???"

"Please don't say words like that, I dislike those... strong words... I found you alone in an alley, dying... so I brought you into my mansion for a proper treatment."

"So what are you going to do? Send me out to steal files? Or send me out on a mission to assassinate a rival company owner or should I say other talented artists."

"No... boy "

Jack crawled onto Naib's bed, placed his hands around Naib's waist, breathing onto Naib's neck. With a stern and alarmed look, Naib slapped Jack's hand and pushed him off the bed.

"What a dangerous and feisty boy"

Jack looked at Naib's green eyes and Naib stared into his bloody red eyes.

Knock, knock

"Master? You have an important meeting coming up with the mayor, he has placed his eyes on one of your art pieces and he wants to buy it. He said to come to his holiday house for a few days to discuss on the cost of the painting...... Sir? What are you doing on the floor?"

"I fell off, please send the Mayor a letter telling him I will be there. "

He stood up and turned towards Naib,

"Boy... tell me your name"

"Naib... Naib Subedar"

"Naib, I will be back in a few days, please stay in bed and my maid Emily will help you patch your wounds"

With a smile on his face, Jack turned around and left to pack his things. Ms. Emily stayed with Naib just in case he needed anything.

Late at night, Naib still wasn't feeling safe enough to fall asleep... Jack is leaving tomorrow morning, it might be safer to check the mansion when he is gone. Emily is going to escort Jack to the town safely as well.

(To be continued)

I write short yea, I dont write too much i dont wanna bore you---

Thanfssss for reading omgg
I needa do a project and will update soon... probably no one will read this shit so I am talking to myself QWQ.

Art here is NOT BY ME : 
(link to art)

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