Part 5 - Reunion

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3rd person pov: 

[In the manor]

"shhhh, here comes the new survivor... "

"Who is it? Kreacher want to see!" Kreacher jumped up and down.

"HusH! It's a male!" Emily stared at Kreacher

"Kreacher disinterested," Kreacher mumbled

"Ms. Emily, how do you know it's a male?" Emma said with a warm smile.

"It's on the guest list... Naib Subedar is his name..." 

As Naib walks in, he stares at the gawking 8 survivors and 3 hunters. 

He lowered his head and sped past the curious survivors, he picked up a room card and looked for his room. 

"I can help you around, there are quite a few different parts of the manor actually..." said a friendly female voice.

Naib turned around, spotting a nurse in a white outfit, draped with a small sky blue cloak.


"You guys know each other?" Martha the coordinator inched closer.

Emily smiled and said, 

"Yes, we've met before..."

Naib couldn't believe it, Emily was right, they would meet again, but what he couldn't explain is... how did she get here faster than him...

In the comfort of the bed the host has given to him, he remembers Jack's mansion... the bed he slept on with a lingering Jack scent... he hung his head and curled into a ball... shivering...

"I hope I haven't made the wrong decision..."

The survivors were mostly friendly... except for Kreacher, who was always chasing after Miss Woods, the Gardener. He stayed silent most of the time, he doesn't want to reveal too much of his past, mistakes and relationship...

Until Martha talked to him.

"Naib Subedar, a Gurkha mercenary...... finally... someone I can relate to..."

Naib stares at a young girl in a neat uniform in her twenties.

"How can we even relate, I have been in war..."

"Pfft, I am a retired air force coordinator... we've both been in war and seen bloodshed. I have been in a cavalry before too!" Martha laughed.

"Well, leave me alone..."

"Distant... here take a sandwich, I made it myself... I guess you haven't eaten for days.

Plus keep track of a dairy, the host wants us all to do it, it's on your room table by the way..."

"Thanks... air force pilot..."

"Call me Martha, and I will call you Naib..."

Naib smiled for the first time after biting the sandwich...

"It's good, right?"


"Miss Martha? Naib Subedar? We have a new hunter approaching the manor, Miss Emily

wants us to all come and welcome this new hunter..." Emma said cheerfully.

"Ok, let's go Naib..."

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