Part 8 - The Host

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Naib carried Emily and rushed to her bedroom, he softly placed her down onto the bed and prepared to use the syringe. Not knowing will it work, he softly prayed and mumbled to himself.

"Emily! EMILY! Hang in there please!" Naib yelled desperately as he held the syringe and injected it's contents on Emily's shoulder. Emily's magical syringe began taking effect, removing and stopping the blood and patching up the wounds... only leaving small, visible scars...

Emily's beautiful eyes fluttered open, she gasped and stared at Naib...

"He--- he's gone is he? J-Jack..." Emily asked while shaking,

"Don't worry Emily, we left the infirmary, you're now in your room... I'll protect you from now on, don't be scared... I will make sure that the horrible serial killer will never bother you... "

"T-thanks Naib... " Emily murmured...

"Guess I'll go now... I need to attend some matches and help you register for sick leave... let you rest and I needed to deal with Jack......"

"No... please don't--- Jack... is more powerful than you think..."

Naib nodded and promised he wouldn't do any sudden movements, then he left Emily in her room, signed up for matches, registered Emily's sick leave and installed a bunch of locks in Emily's room door.

Later that afternoon, after all the necessary matches were played, Naib walked around the manor, searching for Miss Nightingale... after he found her, he told her he had something to tell the host... a problem he needs help fixing...

"Well, what's your problem Naib?" Miss Nightingale said cheerfully.

"I need to talk to the host..."

"The host is too busy to attend these small matters, tell it to me, if it is really as desperate as you say it is, I will transfer your message to the host..." Miss Nightingale offered.

"I request... that... the host... free me and Emily from this manor... we want to leave and resign from joining this game... this game that the host forced us all to play..."

"This... is a problem I cannot decide on... I... will tell the host about this... P-please wait and I will alert you as soon as the host has decided on their a-answer..." Miss Nightingale stuttered as she flew away to transfer the message.

"Thanks Miss Nightingale," Naib said as he went back to his room...

[time skip: about an hour]

"He requested to LEAVE? With Emily?! RESIGN?! What is this? A job where you can just choose to quit on command???!" the host yelled in rage.

"Yes host, he wanted to be freed from the manor along with the doctor..."

"I-I cannot allow that to happen... he is an important chess piece to balance the game! And he is inching away from my control! Miss Nightingale! We need to make sure he changes his mindset, make him... know there is no escape..."

"Yes... host,"

"Deal with him like how we dealt with the past self-aware test subjects..."

"Yes... host,"

[A while later]

"No! NO! What are you doing?" Martha yelled, 

"You aren't supposed to come to the survivor's side of the manor! Leave right now!" Martha commanded.

"Ye-yea! Hunters aren't welcomed here," Lawyer argued...

"Get lost!" Kreacher yelled while throwing his torch.

Naib woke up due to the loud commotion outside, he took a peak curiously and saw Martha, Freddy, Servais and Kreacher blocking the way of Jack the Ripper. 

Naib gasped in fear and then Jack the Ripper shifted his eyes directly upwards, locking a straight gaze at Naib. Naib felt intimidated and panicked, he used his elbow pads to dash away... Jack suddenly vanished in thin air, going through objects and somehow managed to thrust Naib onto the ground...

With the power the host gave him, Jack held Naib tightly and teleported into his room in the hunter's side or the manor...

Jack quickly tied Naibs hands to his bedpost and stood back to look at the struggling Mercenary.

"So... what do you think about this... Naib Subedar? Feeling weak to my power yet? Want to surrender? You're not as strong as you think you are... Subedar..."

That voice wasn't Jack's... but the sentence fluttered from Jack's mouth...

Naib moved his lips but no sound came out... 

"Damn you Naib... you aren't supposed to disobey the host... I provided you a place to live... things to eat... an experience like the battlefield and plentiful rewards... isn't that enough... you greedy soldier?! You want to leave? You want to take our world class doctor with you? Do you think this is a fun game and a temporary job?! You can't just request to leave?! You damn asshole! I'm going to use Jack to show you that... once you arrived and stepped into the Oletus Manor...

There is no escape... "

Naib flinched in fear and tugged the rope, he couldn't manage to tear it, he shrunk back to the wall when Jack began inching closer...

And stabbed one of his finger claws into Naib's right arm...

"AURGH!!!" Naib screamed as it penetrated into his flesh... he blinked back wells of tears forming in his eyes... he managed to regain his senses and calmed down... knowing this form of torture will hurt, but he can handle it... He'll do anything to repent his sins for causing Emily her injuries.

"I-I'm asking you one more... TIME... let me and Emily go... p-please! Or... just let Emily go... please..." Naib whimpered.

"What about a... NO?" the host used Jack's voice to say.

Naib's eyes widened and shook his head in fear... 

"S-stay back... no... please... i-it hurts,"

Jack inched closer and swept out another knife and stabbed it into Naib's left thigh...

Naib jolted intensely and struggled to contain his muffled screams... 

"Now, now... settle down little assassin boy... if you stop asking so much... we'll stop... okay?"

Naib looked up to stare at Jack's bloody eyes...

"No... Fuck to hell bastard , " he said with a smuggish grin.

"Wrong... ANSWER!" The Ripper yelled.

Jack raised his finger claws high above his head and with a swift movement, the finger claws slashed onto something, blood went airborne and splashed all over Naib...

Naib stared at himself... he was covered by huge amounts of blood that wasn't his... 


The metal finger claws crashed onto the floor...

"Who---" he wondered and lifted his head...

he gasped and screamed in pain...

"No... NO! Why did you do that?!" 

Part 9 coming soon Whoohoo! 

Yea i tortured Naib so much in this book now im making myself cry in pain.

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