Part 6 - Pain

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3rd person pov:

Naib is sweating, heating up inside the locker... he knows he couldn't hang on and just went limp and silent inside the locker... crows appear on the tired, motionless mercenary, signaling the hunter where to find him. The entire match went by quickly, nobody knew where the mercenary went, filled with confusion, the teammates decided to leave, not knowing the hunter has already found the sick and sweaty mercenary. 

"The poor thing is sick... his teammates abandoned him and left him here... all alone..."

[A while later]

Naib hears a silent hum, a beautiful silent hum... 

'Something... no someone is carrying me, ' Naib thought to himself. 

It felt good to be carried, it made him feel safe... for the first time... he restfully went limp onto the arms carrying him and snuggled comfortably... like a bird... in it's nest... he didn't bothered to open his eyes and easily fell asleep... after sleeping for a while, Naib finally felt better, but still didn't want to leave the comfortable position. 

The hunter took notice of this immediately and gently woke Naib up by whispering,

"All the survivors escaped... it's just you and me now little one..."

Naib opens his eyes and stared at Jack who was carrying him gently with his hands. A bridal style of carrying, Naib rolled his eyes and muttered,

"kill me..."

A towel dropped cool water on his head... 

"You have a high fever, why not find Emily? Why did you stay in the locker?"

"I didn't want to b-bother her..." Naib looked at Jack.

"Why would you think that will bother her? You always think about others before yourself, you're just acting strong in front of me right? I bet you are hurting so much now...                                         

"Let me assist you back to the manor..." Jack offered.

Naib stared at Jack, 

'maybe this evil personality... still has a kind heart inside of him... after all Jack's kindness maybe strong enough to affect him and his thoughts---'

then Naib realized... 

'no, this isn't right, he is not kind... he is the one who killed Jack... he is a serial killer, a psychopath, a liar---'

Jack noticed Naib is violently shaking his head and is in deep thought, he silently lowers Naib to the exit gate... 

"now go little butterfly, meet me in the manor later..." Jack said slowly, while pushing Naib gently out to the exit gate.

"Thank you... Jack the Ripper" 

Naib said by default, instantly cupping his mouth and dashed towards the exit gate.

'Goddammit, the excitement, the feelings... it's coming back... I feel so... tired......'

[After returning to the manor, Naib had worn out and fainted while trying to reach his room]

The hunters carried him back to his room and allowed Emily to treat him. Emily wiped the sweat off his head, 

Naib twisted and rolled on the bed, slowly his eyes fluttered open. 

He pushed a strong hand away with his all his strength and struggled to hold it away. 

"Stop fussing over me Emily," he hissed.

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