Part 4 - Farewell

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Jack' Pov:

After the boy discovered my split personality killing Jack, he was afraid, he ran out, I chased after him, losing him in the crowd. I was worried he could get hurt... because of me, what if they caught him and tortured him to reveal answers? I cannot allow that to happen...

I asked people have they seen him, turns out he went to a detective's office. 

I knew I can't stay long, if he told him... he will come and catch me...

mercilessly ......

I slowly walked to the mansion in shadowy parts of the street, trying my hardest not to be seen, luckily it only took around half an hour and I made it safely to the mansion.

I went to Naib's room, it was empty, all the clothes were gone... 

Only a photo, shirt and a note were laid on the bed... along with a rose cane... 

The note ;

Dear Jack, 

I think it's time we part ways, I still love you deeply in my heart, that is probably why I couldn't 

tell the detective that you were Jack the Ripper. I believe we'll meet again, in another time.

For now, I am being invited to a certain location that offered me a same experience as on the 

battlefield, please carry on your artistic life and forget a little weasel like me. I am sorry I didn't 

repay you with anything...  I thank you for saving me at the start, but I am a mercenary, a person 

from war... a monster... I am afraid I might not make it back alive. 

See you oneday... someday Jack.

From Naib Subedar

[3rd person pov]

Jack placed down the note, closing his eyes in regret and frustration. He picked up a photo the mercenary left for him... which was a photo of Naib picking weapons with another mercenary... looking happy and excited. Jack smiled when he saw the young Naib smiling. 

He hugged the white tailored shirt from Naib, which hangs a small scent of Naib's sweat and tears. Jack placed it on his chest, snuffling the feeling, trying to make it feel like Naib was comforting and hugging him... even though he wasn't there...

Jack carefully folded the shirt and placed it in Naib's windowsill and he placed the rose in a jar next to the shirt. 

Carrying the photo, Jack silently walked out and closed the door, knowing the detective might start looking for him, he grabbed his mask, claws, tailored suit and Naib's photo along with him. As he was about to leave, he noticed a small but elegant looking letter on the table.

It wrote:

To Jack

From the Oletus Manor.

You are invited to take part in a game, where you can redeem what you lost and kill to make 

them pay. "I love watching them shiver. So cute," you said that before Jack, well in this game, 

you can make them all shiver and find the lost thing you loved.

We await your decision, 

From the Host

Jack sighed deeply, this letter was not meant for him, it was for the demon inside of him.

"You bastard," Jack mutters to himself.

He slowly puts on the outfit, the claws and puts on the mask.

Darkness swallows Jack, his inner demon awakens.

The gentlemen Jack is killed,by the darkness inside himself. 

"Thank you Jack, your decision was wise for once,"

Disappearing into the fog, the Ripper decided to look for the Oletus Manor.

Slaughtering a few more girls on his way. 

[1 week later]

"Mary Ann Nichols, Anne Chapman, Elizabeth Stride, Catherine Eddowes and Mary Jane Kelly?!"

The detective yelled furiously, 

"The Ripper killed 2 more girls! AND I can't catch him?! Damn, that stupid young fellow obviously knew! Why didn't he tell me?! We could have saved 2 more innocent girls!"

The detective turned around and demanded,

"Search every house every room, use dogs to track out the smell, the Ripper is still here..."

Tall, grim figure... 

"Find all the men in this town taller than 190 cm! Even the rich ones..."

[Time skip: 5 days]

"Sir, one of the rich artists that owns the tall mansion on the hill... he disappeared..."


"We searched his home... there was no one inside, but a cabinet with two bodies, both rotting... we also found a note, which belongs to a boy called Naib Subedar. The owner of the mansion is a tall and slim man called Jack."

"So, it's Jack the Ripper, what a nice name... the boy who knew Jack's secret... was none other than the young boy... Naib Subedar..."

"A letter, invitation, manor... which I received as well, I will go find them and catch them back.

Don't worry, I will return in a few days... "

After saying that, the detective silently stood up, held his invitation and set up a car to drive to this mysterious manor. This wasn't his only case on the strange manor, there were many more.

"Time to find out what this manor is about," Orpheus said with a heavy sigh, as he drove away silently down the roads of the town...

Pls wait for more, it will be about Jack and Naib reuniting dnsvbfndckmsbdhvnjdk

Will the relationship repair or work out?

Read to find out more

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