Part 2 - Who is this... Jack?

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(3rd person pov)

Naib woke up early in the morning, after making sure Emily and Jack left, he took this opportunity to snoop around the mansion. As he staggered around the mansion, his shaking hand clutched his aching abdomen, which still hurt after days of treatment. He used the long corridor walls as his support and limped his way around the rooms. There is a library, multiple guest room, a castle sized bedroom for the maid and a beautiful and oversized bedroom for the master. A few painting rooms, a lovely kitchen and backyard... the rooms just keep going forever onwards and never stopping... Naib has to take breaks in between because of how abnormally large the mansion is.

As he was walking through the corridors, he spotted so much beautiful paintings. From simple beautiful roses to portraits of previous Mayors and Kings. The mansion was so tidy and empty it felt cold.  Naib checked every room except Jack's office, he hasn't entirely trusted Jack. So he wanted to open the door at Jack's office. As expected, it was locked and Naib couldn't open it... after walking around the mansion for what felt like an hour... Naib didn't even had the strength to barge open the door, instead he collapsed on the floor and didn't bother to move...

[Time skip: 2 days]

3rd person Pov:

"My head and body hurts... " Naib murmured while waking up...

"Naib? " whispers Emily, "Are you quite alright? You collapsed and didn't wake up for two days. You didn't eat for days, I am sorry for forgetting to feed you"

Naib opens his eyes slowly and stares at a worried Emily and a concerned looking Jack. 

"Oh hi, welcome back" Naib smirked.

"Want some porridge or steak?" Jack looked at Naib's eyes.


"Emily, please go prepare some turkey porridge with some slow cooked steak"

"Yes sir" said Emily lowering her head, she quickly dashed down the hall.

"Wait, I thought you said I can choose steak and porridge, I thought I said porridge---"

"It's for me not you" Jack said with a kind smile.

"heh, thought so," Naib murmured with a grin

"Sorry, I couldn't hear that, may you repeat?" 


"Do you not trust me?" asked a concerned Jack

"I met you for less than an hour, how can I trust someone who I know for less than a hour?!"

"Well, I did save you and treated your wounds... is that not enough to gain trust?"

"That... I... do trust you, but not entirely... I wanted to know what is in the office of yours and why do you have to lock it up..."

"Its private and special drawings, I hate it when some fans of mine sneak in to take my most precious artwork" Jack said firmly.

"But you have guards, why should you worry..."

"I have paintings worth Millions, some maybe billions... I cannot risk losing them and my secret to drawing is also inside" Jack replied

"Wow, you must be some famous artists, selling art with that price"

"How am I supposed to afford a mansion if I cannot sell art as such a high price?" 

"Why do you only hire one maid"

"Naib, enough questions for 1 day, you need to rest and Emily will serve you your lunch soon"

Naib sighs and rolled around in the comfy, spacious bed. 

"thump, thump"

Emily returns with a bowl of steaming turkey porridge. The smell was heavenly, something Naib never thought he could ever even... have a chance to taste...

As Jack was about to leave, he saw the tray of food. 

"Want me to feed you?" he offered

"No thank you, I can hold a spoon"

As Jack and Emily left, Naib slowly sips his meal, his eyes twinkling at how good porridge can even taste... But something still bothers him... who is this...

Deep in his heart, something tells him not to trust Jack

"He is definitely hiding something" Naib mutters under his breath 

Naib tried falling asleep, but he will always wake up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall back into slumber.

He stares at the ceiling, wondering should he leave this mansion, something tells him that this place, this man is not normal... Naib shivers and twirls around, "nevermind, it's too cold to leave anyways,"


[Naib ignored the first crash]


[Naib was wondering what is going on.]

Naib stands up slowly, quickly dashes to the source of sound, only finding the slim figure of Jack smashing his own paintings.


The voice in Naib's head: 'This is why we don't trust him'

[Jack turns around slowly]

Jack's fists had splinters and blood dripping from it.

"What are you doing Jack?"

"Oh my, I am so sorry I startled you, I only smash my painting if I didn't drew it perfectly... I guess I forgot you were here, I am sorry... I won't make such a loud noise anymore..."

[Naib stands there in shock, a little unsure what he should do next]

Naib wanted to run out from the mansion, he tried to dash away, but Jack grabbed him, and brought him closer to his chest. 

"Don't go yet, you won't survive outside, your injuries aren't completely healed yet,"

"I don't have anymore pain, I shoul---"

[Naib's voice trailed off, because Jack kissed him]

When Jack pulled away from the kiss, the two stared at each other awkwardly, Naib who was shocked because he knew very well he enjoyed the kiss. Jack on the other hand was weirded out by his own action. 

[Jack sighs deeply]

"Go... if you must... we won't keep you as a prisoner in the mansion"

Naib silently stares into Jack's eyes, favouring the quick but blissful kiss he had with Jack... 

He gently touched his lips and smiled...

"No, it's fine thank you, I wanted to stay here... with you... with Jack..."

sunfndfauiah thanks for reading


i tend to keep my parts short and neat ItS KindWA SHoRT????

to be continued btw :D kill me pls

[credit artist, art is not ever mine]

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