Part 7 - The Wicked Fate

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3rd person pov:

Naib laid on his bed, the fever is finally beginning to clear away.

Emily who has helped take care of him for the past few days said he is finally ready to participate in matches. 

Emily then comforted Naib who didn't want to participate in matches...

"He has hurt you before Emily... how can you still stay positive? How can you ever forget the-the past? Why has this wicked fate brought Jack back... wit-with us?!"

"Now, now... I came to the manor to start new and fresh, my past and decisions all will stay behind me, forever and ever... I encourage you to do the same... forgive and forget your past and start a brand new future here. I can help you build your bright future... just ask me for any help Naib! Now... go protect the survivors... you are assigned a rescue role, without you as a strong ally, the survivors will lose a crucial protector in their game!"

Naib wiped his tears and gave Emily a warm smile

"Thank you so much Emily," he beamed with excitement and held Emily's hands,

"Don't worry... I'll do what you suggested!"

Then he grabbed his hoodie and rushed out of the door, signing up for some upcoming matches. Emily smiled and head back to the infirmary to get her syringe. 

As she about to grab her syringe and was about to leave, she heard a voice... a gentle yet chilly voice... the voice that was so familiar, Emily flinched and shivered in fear.

"You really care about him and... you don't want him to get hurt right? EM?"

Emily whirled around to see Jack, fading out and reappearing from his foggy, invisible state.

"Emily... let's make a deal... "

"W-what d-do you want?" Emily said... trembling and shaking in fear.

Jack flexed out his finger claws, tapping it next to her face, testing her limits...

Emily stared at Jack, who's shadow loomed over her small body... 

"Miss Emily... I have a suggestion for you... hmm... let me recall what it is... ah! I remember now! Please stop chatting with him... keep a distance from him... stop helping and healing him and I won't hurt him... at all Miss Emily!" Jack said while clapping his hand together.

Suddenly his voice shifted into a deep and horrifying tone...

"I've seen how open and warm he is around you... and I don't like it... make a deal with me and he won't get hurt... you know what the consequences are if I hurt him again... his past injuries are quite... grave... am I right Miss Emily?"

"Is this a way to treat your lover Jack? I'm sure that's wrong!" Emily fought back,

"I can never do something like that! His old wounds need my medical attention, I can't just abandon him! And... you have already traumatized him a lot! W-without me... He might not be able to withstand the consequences and the tortured past you inflicted on him!!! You have hurted Naib so much Jack... can you please stop?" 

"Fine... Emily..." Jack said with a smirk... "if you aren't willing to fulfill your role... then there will be a punishment and a penalty..."

"P-Penalty?" Emily staggered to reach her syringe...

"Too late Em..." Jack began tapping his shoes...

[Time skip: 10 minutes later]

"Emily? That match went on great! I rescued 2 times and I bodyblocked and everyone escaped!" Naib beamed proudly as he approached the infirmary...

"Emily?" he asked once again before poking his head into the infirmary.

What he saw next made him fell backwards onto the floor...

there was blood on the floor and some broken medicine bottles, pills scattered next to Emily.

"Emily? EMILY! Answer me! Please!" Naib begged desperately.

Emily laid on the floor, battered with bloody bruises and fresh clean cuts by a sharp tool or finger knife. Emily's hair was scattered messily around her, her breathing was shaking and her tiny voice was shivering... both in pain and fear......

Naib gritted his teeth... it had to be Jack... he was the one who injured Emily...

Naib hugged Emily and cried...

"Come out you bastard! I'll make you pay for this!" Naib yelled... 

Naib took out his hunting knife and went into a defensive position... scanning his eyes around the room for Jack...


"Don't---" Emily said weakly while tugging Naib's hood.

Naib turned around to look at Emily, but then the Ripper's fog state dissipated which surprised Naib and then he grabbed Naib and held him up against a wall...

"Unhand me FIEND," Naib hissed...

Naib struggled with all his strength, but the giant's grip is far stronger than his own, Naib kicked and screamed, but it was no use. Suddenly, he remembered that The Ripper can be defeated if the mask was off his face, so he reached out his leg and kicked Jack's mask off. 

"You little piece of---" Jack screamed in rage as the mask fell onto the floor with a tiny clatter sound...

Then, the giant dropped Naib from his powerful grip.

"W-where am I?" Jack asked with confusion.

Naib held out his knife and touched the unconscious Emily lovingly... he dashed towards Jack with full force and managed to knock him over. Mocking Jack, Naib held the knife in front of Jack's face, displaying how sharp the knife is... indicating that the knife can end lives quickly, sharply and painfully... Naib held the knife on top of Jack's chest, wanting to stab the knife deep inside Jack... but seeing his confused and kind face, Naib cried... painfully... shrunk backwards and dropped his knife. Naib shook his head furiously and tears began to overflow and roll down his cheeks. Vision started to fade and blur out for Naib, Naib spun around helplessly, panicking in fear. Jack approached and offered to comfort Naib, but Naib pushed him away. 

"Stay away from us... you monster..." Naib growled as he carried Emily in his arms, grabbed her syringe and rushed to her bedroom...

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