Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

18 Years Later

          “Elsa! You have to come to me!” I hear as I look around, all I see are trees. “Where are you!?” I yell still looking, where was this voice coming from? “Elsa!” I hear again, this time I know it’s coming from behind me. I turn to see a well; I don’t understand why there is a well here. I start to walk to it, feeling like I’m drawn to it. “Elsa… Please come to me.” I hear again, that voice is coming from the well. I reach the well and look down; I don’t see anything, just darkness.

          “Where would I go in a well?” I yell down, feeling like an idiot. “To Wonder….”

          “And that’s where it ends… Every single time I have that dream.” I say as I walk to class with my best friend Lillianna. “Oh that gave me shivers!” She says with her country accent. “Why do you always have creepy dreams? Like that one with the cat who was smiling? Oh that one gives me nightmares as well!” She says and holds her books tighter. I do a small laugh. It’s good to have a friend like Lillianna here with me; she always knows how to cheer me up.

          “What are you doing after school today?” She asks as we sit in our sits, waiting for our teacher to show up. I shrug, “I don’t know. Aunt Crystal wants me to start getting ready for my birthday tomorrow.” I start to look out the window; I was turning 18 tomorrow, a day my Aunt says I would never forget, whatever that means. “Well maybe we should go dress shopping! Oh yes I like this idea a lot.” She yells as she claps her hands together. For a country girl, Lillianna get very excited for shopping. I giggle and look at the board to see a new kid walking in.

          “Lillianna, is that a new kid?” I ask as the girl walks in, she has long strawberry blonde hair that has a white streak going down the side. She keeps holding her books close to her as she scans the room. “Looks like it, funny how we get a new girl when school ends in a week, well for us at less.” Lillianna and I were seniors at our school; we were so close to graduation we could taste it. Mostly me, I was ready to get out of this school and going somewhere away from our small town.

          But if my Aunt had it her way, I’d stay here forever and die in this small town. Can’t let that happen now can we? “Elsa? Are you listening to me?” I hear, shaking me out of my thoughts. “Of course Lilli, where else would my mind be?” I ask with a smile on my face. She rolls her eyes, “In Wonderland like always, I swear your mind is in the clouds more than on the ground Elsa White.”

          “Elsa White is your name?” I hear making me jump. I look up to see the new girl. Up close, she’s like a younger version of me just with different hair and lighter eyes. “Umm… Yes?” I say confused. The new girl smiles and takes out her hand, “I’m Anna, Anna Red.” I look at her hand, I see a small red heart ring on her finger, and it’s almost looks like its glowing. “It’s nice to meet you Anna.” I say and take her hand, strongest grip I’ve ever felt before… She lets go of my hand and nods before she sits in front of me. I look at Lillianna but she just gives me a confused looks and mouths, WTF? I shrug and look at Anna again.

          “Aren’t you a little young to be a senior class?” Lillianna ask with her bitch tone. Anna looks at her, almost like a glare. Lillianna lends back in her chair, “I mean you look like you’re a freshmen.” “I am a freshman, but I am a lot smarter then I look.” Anna hisses. I feel a cat fight about to start but thank Heavens Mr. Gold comes in. “Alright, I know we have a week left together but that doesn’t mean we can horse around. Now, did we do our homework last night?” He asks with a stern voice.

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