Chpater 5

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Chapter 5

"At night she dreams of a place full of wonder and beautiful. Little does she know of the fear and death that roams at night. While she sleeps, he appears, his teeth sharp, his eyes dark, looking for the next kill." I listen as the Hatter talks. "Why would you say something so horrible?" I ask as I climb down to his shoulders. He turns his eyes to me; there are a darker blue now, almost black, "Say what?" He asks and looks forward again. I wonder what that was about, I also wish I knew where we were going, so far it's light out, it's weird how the light works in this place, one area would be light, then another area would be dark, I don't understand why. Everywhere I look it's brown, and the farther we go in, I see the ground getting dark, almost like it was set on fire.

I see fire start to form around me, burning buildings, and people running.... Terror in the air and a giant creature is the reason for it. "Elsa?" I hear, I blink and the fire is gone, but we stopped in front of a house that was burned down. Was that all in my head? Or was it a memory? "Hatter... What happened here?" I ask as we look at the house, it felt so familiar to me. "Where are we?" I ask as he picks me up and puts me on the ground and walks up to the house.

"You are looking for Crystal." Hatter says and touches the house, I see him close his eyes. "You know of my Aunt?" I ask and walk close to him, but not to close so he won't step on me. He turns to me and gets on the ground, "Yes, I know of Crystal. I know a lot more than people think." I walk to him to him and climb on his knee and look at him, "How do you know about Crystal? Do you know where she is?" I ask hoping he does, all I want is to save her. He nods, "Yeah, I do." He picks me and puts me on his hat again and we start to walk.

"Hatter! You need to tell me where she is, so I can save her." I say and climb to his shoulder. This being small thing, sucks. "I can't do that Princess, my job is to take you to the White Queen, and that's what I'm doing, and that's what Crystal wants, what she did to protect you." He says and keeps walking. "What happened here Hatter?" I ask again, I know his trying to not tell me but I feel like I have to know." I hear him sigh, "This house was your Aunt's." I give him a look, he sighs, "Let me explain."

Eighteen years ago, Wonderland was ruled by a kind heart Queen, the White Queen. She was loved by all, and cared for everyone. Then one day, her and her husband had two beautiful daughters, twins. This is where she had their party, to show Wonderland the soon to be rulers of Wonderland, but then everything went to hell."

The Red Queen, sister to the White Queen happened, she hated that her youngest sister ruled over Wonderland and decided to take it over. I don't know how but... She found or made a creature that burned and killed so many people, and to hurt her sister more, she kidnapped one of the small Princesses. Lucky for the Queen, her best friend Crystal took her to the woods, to a well to save her daughter. Even though it broke her heart, she gave her daughter to her best friend and sends her to a different world, somewhere away from Wonderland."

We stop in front of a small cabin and he puts me on the ground, "Legend has it that the small Princess would return, and save Wonderland." He says with a smile as he starts to walk to the cabin, he turns to me, "You can go as your normal high now, we're safe for now." He says and opens the door and walk in. I sigh and take off my earring and drink, I feel my body grow and feel my dress get shorter, why couldn't I find a potion to me my dresses grow with me?

I keep trying to pull my dress down as I walk in the small cabin, to see the Hatter holding another dress and him not looking at me. Some part of me was kind of hurt; I wish he would look at me. I walk up to him and grab the dress, "Thank you. How did you find a dress?" I ask. "Umm.... Cheshire put it here for you." He says and starts to walk away, "I'll go start dinner, and the room is to the right." He says and walks away. I walk into the room and close the door and put my back to the door.

What am I doing? I place my hand on my heart, why was it beating so fast? I crack open the door to see the Hatter walking back and forth, his hat is off and his talking to himself, he stops and walks to the mirror on the wall. "You shouldn't have taken her; you should have gotten the cat to do it." I see Hatter say to himself. Hatter turns away from the mirror but... the mirror Hatter was still looking at him, "I... I couldn't stop myself, she's so beautiful..." Mirror Hatter starts to laugh how is this happening? Was the Hatter hiding demons?

"You think you can get with her? Don't you remember who she is? And who you are?" I see the Mirror Hatter ask. Hatter nods, "Yes... I remember." Mirror Hatter puts his hands on the glasses, "Then do your job!" I see Hatter nod and walk away to my door. I quickly close it and stand up. I hear the door, "Elsa? Can I come in?" I hear Hatter ask. "Umm... sure..." I say and face palm myself, stupid, you didn't even change yet!

I start to undress when I hear the door open, "Oh... I thought you..." I hear behind me. I turn and keep the new dress over me to cover myself, "I... I got distractive by this beautiful room." I say as Hatter keeps looking at me, his eyes are wide and he hasn't blinked since he walked in. "I... I should leave..." He says and starts to walk to me, I feel like I should walk back but I can't move my legs. "The... the door is behind you." I say as he gets closer to me.

He moves his hand down my arm and I drop the dress, I wasn't ready for him to do that. I see his eyes go down, looking at my body. He keeps moving his hand up my arm and back down again. I shiver; it's hard to control myself. "You are so beautiful..." He says and looks back at me. I feel my heart starts to beat faster, and my cheeks start to get warm. But then I see his eyes start to flicker, he starts to back away. "I'm... I'm sorry." He says and walks out of the room.

I stood there shocked... and maybe even heartbroken. I feel my eyes start to get tear up, what... what just happened? I sit on the bed and put my head in my heart, did he not find me attractive? I lay my back on the bed; Hatter was the first person that's made me feel this way. I sit up, what am I going to do?

Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter I feel like, and for the long wait! I've been so busy but now I'm going to have a lot more time to finally do some written!!! OH and I forgot to put a picture of Elsa's dress in the last chapter so check that out if you want to see what she is wearing and I'll put her new dress up in the next chapter!! I really hope you like this chapter, leave me some comments maybe some votes if you guys like it!!! Sorry for my grammar and spelling!

~Kitty Kat

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