Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

          “Hatter!?” I yell I’m alone, in a dark part of Wonderland. I look around; all I want is to be with Hatter, not alone like this. “Hatter!” I yell again and then start to run; all I see is the darkness, dark trees that remind me of Sleepy Hollow, almost like I’m in Hell. “Princess Elsa.” I hear behind me. I turn to see Hans. I glare, “Hans, you bastard! Where is Crystal?” I yell and start to run to him but stop when I see him holding a hat… The Hatter’s hat.

          I see him smile, “Oh you do recognize the Hatter huh Princess?” I just keep glaring at him as he puts the hat on his head. “What do you think? Looks better one me?” He says and smiles a dark evil smile. “What do you want Hans? Where’s Hatter?” I ask. “Princess come on, what would your knight think about you and this little love affair you and the Mad Hatter have?” “We’re just friends and why does everyone keep asking me how my knight would feel!? I don’t even know who this damn knight is!”

          I hear Hans start to laugh, “You really haven’t figured it out yet have you?” He takes off the hat and throws it at me. I catch it and look at him, “I suggest you run.” He winks and then disappears and I feel someone start to shake me.


          “Elsa, Elsa, you have to wake up!” I hear and I open my eyes. I look around to see I’m back at the cabin and Hatter is shaking me awake. Was that all a dream? It’s felt so real. I look at Hatter; his eyes are that dark blue again, something is wrong. “Hatter? What’s wrong?” I ask as he grabs me and pulls me out of bed, “We have to go, change now.” He says and puts on his shirt and hat. I start to strip and see that his not leaving the room. “Are you just going to watch me?” I ask.

          He rolls his eyes, “I’ve seen you half naked before Elsa, just hurry.” He says with a growl. “You know.” I put on my dress from yesterday and look at him, “This side of you is a dick.” I say and glare at him. He walks up to me, his eyes blazing and stops, inches away from my face. “I’m trying to protect you and get you out of here and to the White Queen, I’m not going to say sorry for protecting you!” He glares back. “You could ask nicely! Like hey, some guys are after us, we better get out of her, please change.” I yell back. I hear him hiss as he grabs me and throws me over his shoulder. “I’m done with your shit Princess. We are leaving now!” He yells as we run out of the cabin and in the woods. “Put me down!” I yell and start to kick, this is ridiculous.

          “This is no way to treat a lady!” I yell again and he finally puts me down. Oh God, he was really mad, I’ve never seen his eyes go this dark before… “You want to be treated like a lady?” He asks his eye dark. I glare; I’m not going to back down. I stand close to him, showing him I won’t back down. “Treat me like a human bean!” I yell. He sighs and grabs my earring and makes me drink the warm liquid. I start to cough as I start to shrink to the ground. I sigh as I start to rip the dress and make it try and fit me. I look up at him and cross my arms, “Really?” I ask as he picks me and puts me on his hat. I start to hear noises behind us. Whoever was chasing us, they were close. “Promise me something.” He asks his eyes that light blue again.

          “What?” I ask scared now, he hasn’t put back on his hat. “Wait till morning and find the White Queen. Please just do this for me.” He seems scared too, worried even. “What about you?” I ask as the noise starts to get closer and louder. “This is the only way I can protect you… Please for once, listen to me and don’t be stubborn.” He says. I feel a tear go to my eyes, “Please…  I want to stay with you.” He shakes his head, “Be safe Princess.” He says and throws the hat, I hold on as tightly as I can.

          I feel the hat hit the ground and I go flying to the ground. I quickly stand and walk over to the lake to see the red cards circling Hatter. “Down with the bloody Red Queen!” I hear Hatter yell as the red cards grab the Hatter and carry him away. Tears go down my face as I crawl back under the hat and start to cry myself to sleep.


          I feel the hat start to move as I see light start to shine through. “Well… looks like the Hatter left his hat, and a little Princess.” I hear as I open my eyes to see a shark smile. I smile back, “Cheshire…” I see as Cheshire takes the hat from above me and floats around, “Hatter told you where I was?” I ask as she starts to mess around with the hat. “Nope, but Wonderland is a beautiful place, where dreams are a gateway.” She says as she goes on the ground next to me.

          “A gateway…” I start to think about my dream, how Hans was talking to me. “That’s how they found us… Hans used my dreams… my thoughts…” I put my fingers through my hair, “Hatter got taken because of me… This is all my fault.” I say as I pull my knees to my chest and start to cry. “Oh Elsa. Your heart is so big, just like your mother.” I look up at her, “My mother? You know about my mother?” I ask. I see Cheshire cover her mouth, “I… I shouldn’t have said anything. I wasn’t support to.” I stand and look at her, “Who is my mother Cheshire?” I ask.

          “It’s not me to tell you Elsa, but the White Queen will.” I sigh and look at the hat. Hatter wanted me to go to the White Queen once morning hit. I turn back to Cheshire, “We are going to the Red Queen’s places.” I say and start to climb on Cheshire’s back. “Elsa, my job is to take your to the White Queen, not the one Queen that wants to kill you!” “Cheshire, Hatter is in danger, so is everyone else I meet.” I look at the hat again; my heart just kept beating faster and faster, “Please Lillianna… Hatter has been protecting me, and now his taken away.”

          “You… You like him don’t you?” I hear her say which makes me think about how we danced in the room last night, how he made me feel. “Yeah… I think I do.” I say. I wait to see what Cheshire will do, it’s in her hands now, or paws I guess. Finally I hear her sigh, “Fine, let’s go save the damn Hatter.” I smile, “Thank you. Oh… And don’t forget his hat.” I say as Cheshire grabs the hat, “He really like that hat.” I say. “I bet he doesn’t like it as much as he likes you.” She says and before I could say anything, I see the world go dark.

Hey guys!!! Sorry for the long wait and the kind of short chapter!!! I got a lot going on this week but I will try and update again really soon!!! Leave me some comments on what you think so far and maybe some votes if you like it!!! Thank you all so much!!! Love you all! And sorry for the grammar and spelling!!

~Kitty Kat

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