Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Vanishing is the fastest way to travel! We were floating at the Red Queen's castle in a blink of an eye. "I wish I could vanish like that!" I say as I climb off Cheshire's back. "Best way to travel." She purrs. I smile as I look at the castle; it was pure red with a moat around it. "How am I going to get over there?" I ask as I turn to Cheshire and smile. "Oh no, I am not going over there. This is all you pretty one." She hisses. I cross my arms, "Are you really a scaredy cat?" She nods, "I really am, plus." She holds the hat close and throws it over the red wall.

"You have to go get the hat and I don't know where it is." She gives me her shark smile as she vanishes away. I turn back to the castle, "Damn cat." I growl as I walk over to the moat to see it pure head, with human heads floating around. I cover my mouth, "Oh my god...." I say softly to myself as I watch all the heads float by, she really was an evil women. I thought about Hatter, what if she did this to him?

I take a deep breath and walk over and start to walk on one of the heads. Grossed thing I've ever done, plus it made my heart break, how someone could be so evil. After what seemed like forever, I finally made it over the other side of the moat and found a small hole in the wall. "Don't worry Hatter, I'm coming." I say and start to climb through the hole to see a pure green grasses area. If she wasn't so evil, I'd say this place was beautiful, is this what Wonderland would look like if the White Queen ruled over? I start to walk around looking at the place.

"FORE!" I hear as I see something go past my head. I turn to see a poor little hedgehog with his legs tied up. "Oh!" I ran to him and started to untie him, "Poor little thing." I say as he turns over and starts to rub his head around me. I start to giggle as I hear, "Rabbit, go get my ball." Shit! I look around and then I see something start to shine in my eyes. I look down to see a ring on my finger, where the hell did this ring come from? Then it hit me, Cheshire.

"Elsa?" I hear which makes me turn to see the white rabbit. "Rabbit! You're alright!" I say and run to him and hug his paw. "I'm so happy you're okay." I say as I back up. "What are you doing here?" He asks with worriedness in his voice. "To save you and everyone else." I say and start to rub my arm. "Elsa no, you shouldn't..." He looks down to see my ring. "Where did you get that?" He asks. "Cheshire gave it to me, what does it mean?"

"Rabbit!" I hear behind us. "Damn, umm... there's a liquid in there that will change your look, drink it now! You only have a few hours before it wears off." He yells as I left my hand and feel the warm liquid go down my throat. I start to cough; Wonderland needs to get some favor drinks. "You better grow." He says and starts to hop out of the bushes. I take my left earring and start to grow, out of my clothes. Shit... I took the wrong earring.

"You!" I hear which makes me turn, thank God for tall trees. I see a short woman with black hair with red streaks going down her hair, her red lips shape like a heart. "Who are you?" She asks. "Um... Alice. Alice from.... Montana?" I say ready to face palm myself, Alice form Montana? Really Elsa? I look at everyone as they stare at me, I'm scared and I can tell so is the Rabbit. "I've never heard of this place, but I've never seen a lady so tall before either. Why are you here?" She asks. "I was... bullied for how tall I am; I thought a Queen as beautiful and full hearted would understand me better." God I hope she believes me... She turns to someone, "Someone gets some clothes for our huge guest, use whatever you can to make her a dress."

I look at the white rabbit as he smiles and nod his head as everyone starts running around looking for me to wear something. I only have a few hours before this spell wears off, I better hurry.


After finding a dress, I start walking with the Red Queen to her throne. I look around, I see nothing but red, red walls, red lights, red everything. And with that red, I see hearts. Everything was shape as a heart. I wonder did this Queen want loved or acted like she had it. As we keep walking, I see almost on every wall, there was a mirror she must really love herself to have so many mirrors. I walk by I see what everyone sees, a girl with short brown hair, and green eyes.

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