Standing where the lightning strikes

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"Congrats you two" she smiled at Ji-Hoon and Sena "you look stunning" she winked at Sena.
"Thank you for the help, you don't look so bad yourself" she opened her arms to give her a hug "He is lucky to have you" as she squeezed Sena tighter.
As Ji-hoon turned to her to hug her she glanced at his unimpressed face "remember you are the one his world should revolve around, not the other way" as she smiled. Her family that she had found who cared so much for her and reminded her that her life was just as important as his public one.

She had looked stunning in her deep purple gradient satin dress, the high back complimented the low cut front and a hidden slit that went up to her thighs as he bit his lip. As he zipped up her dress before the dinner, he wanted to rip it off.. if she didn't warn him to not make them late many times through the day he would have taken that chance but to marry her he would need to be alive and she had been on edge lately.

"This looks like a fairytale" he looked around at the small chandeliers that lit the ceiling. The lantern with candles that topped each table, adored with a peony flower wreath.
"Fairytales can still end" she reminded him. Unlike Disney and the happy endings she knew what the reality was.
"Then what are we?"
"Endless" as his heart had skipped a beat.
"My galaxy revolves around you" as she giggled, Sena and Ji-hoon hadn't exactly whispered it.

"Can we talk?" as Jiwoo pulled her away from them really quickly. She had noticed them eyeing her and Jiwoo.
"Hwa-Young is here" she said panicked.
"She won't do anything" hopefully. "How did she..?"
"She is someone's date?" Jiwoo cut her off.
"Let me see her.. smile, you will worry them" she smiled at her.

As she led them through the tables and array of people, she had watched him trail behind her as she giggled.
"Go back to the table" her hand on his chest, kissing him on the cheek. She knew he probably wouldn't as he pouted.

"Amara" that smug smile on Hwa-Young.
"Glad you came" she smiled at her "who is your date?"
"Oh we are just friends" she feigned her laugh now as Yoongi placed his hand on her back to calm her but it wasn't going to happen.
"Hi Jiwoo" she smiled so politely at her.
"I need to go to the bathroom" Hwa-Young eyed her as she smiled at the seemingly nice gentleman who was also a fool.

Yoongi stopped at the entrance to the hallway as they walked towards the bathroom. The pure and utter silence in the hallway as she waited outside for Jiwoo, she could see his jacket poking out from around the door.
"Did you come just to find me?"
"Don't be so smug Hwa-Young, it's not lady like" she smiled
"Like you coming back?" she tried to hit back.
"I haven't forgotten you and you definitely haven't forgotten me so cut the crap.. you know very well what happened, you wouldn't have gotten an invite if you didn't keep in contact" she smiled, predictable. Hwa-Young was cunning, she was smart but no match for her.
"Heard he went to get you after you left him" painful as it was, there was many reasons for the way it happened and as fate would have it her life wouldn't be perfect without Deiji but it would be their story to tell.
"So you did hear... Who is that poor sap you suckered into coming here?" as she shrugged. Perhaps she underestimated this bimbo, conniving too.
"A friend" she smiled.
"Are you enjoying yourself?" she smiled, she heard the tap in the bathroom.
"Not as much as you, I noticed Yoongi follows you everywhere.. how did you manage that? Was it cause of losing your daughter?"

A swift eco of a slap radiated down the hallway as Hwa-Young clutched her face.
"You so much as go near Ji-hoon or look at him and I will have you removed, then you can explain to your friend why" as Jiwoo stood right behind Hwa-Young in shock. "As for me, you don't get to speak of our daughter ever or even Yoongi's name. Don't cross that line, I had you removed once.. the next time it will be permanent"

Silence as his footsteps echoed towards them, he must have heard what happened as she turned to smile at him.
"Let's go" as he nodded towards the wedding at Jiwoo, he intertwined his hand into hers pulling her along slowly as they walked away. She didn't even look back, she knew it was the last she would see of Hwa-Young.

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