Chapter 10 - Road Trip

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Since Sunday, Chloe had been around Beca's house, hanging with the guys. Her and Aubrey met up the following morning but didn't say anything to her. She just made up saying that she was homesick and wanted some time alone, surprisingly for Chloe, she didn't ask anymore questions. Aubrey understood, which was good because Chloe really didn't want to say anything more. Monday night, the girls were spending another evening in Benji's room playing music and card games. She saw Beca briefly to which Beca smiled but her and Stacie were going out with Amy. Amy had a free pass to a bar so the three of them went out.

Beca had messaged Chloe a few times, which Chloe didn't really respond too. She was going to cancel on Beca but something in the back of her head was saying no, and now here we are.

She'd finished the morning of lessons and was on her way back to her dorm. She wasn't meeting Beca for another hour, so she was going to type up her notes as well as add a few extra bits that she didn't get a chance to write. Her lessons went way to quickly for Chloe's liking, especially as she was a bit nervous of just being with Beca on her own, but also she doesn't want anyone to see them and being at a diner knowing that one of their friends could see them, they would definitely think something's up.

Beca 13:32: Change of plan, can you meet me in the next 5? I'm getting ready to now, but I'll park in the car park, the one that's about 2-minutes from you? Meet me there? You know my car don't you?

To Beca 13:34: Two seconds and I'll be leaving, but yeah, I know your car.

Beca 13:35: Awesome, I'm just leaving.

She saved what she'd written so far and closed down her laptop putting her notebook on top, grabbing a jacket on the way out and her key.

Chloe headed to the car park expecting Beca to be there already and her being the one that's late, but as she got there, she saw that the car park was closed.

To Beca 13:43: It's closed.

Beca 13:45: Yeah, sorry, I'm in the one just up the road, it's behind the laundrette, I've just parked up.

To Beca 13:46: Alright.

Chloe put her phone in her pocket and headed up the road to the laundrette.

Once she turned down the road to go behind the place, she instantly saw the brunette stood leaning against her car on her phone. She tucked the bit of hair that had come from behind her ears and smiled. "Beca"

"Hey Chloe, you ready?"

"Yeah, where are we going?"

"It's a surprise, now come on" Beca smiled, getting in her car.

Beca has a blue BMW M2, she worked hard for it, and it was the first car that she'd gotten. She'd gotten pocket money from her Dad, as well as money every Christmas and birthday and saved it up. Since the age of 8 she'd always wanted a sports car and was always going to get one as soon as she passed her driving test. So junior year of school, she was able to take driving lessons and by senior year she had passed and gotten a car. She wanted the M2 for a few years and knew it would be expensive, but it was also the car that she knew she'd have for a long time.

Stacie's uncle, Cole, owned a dealership and came to an agreement with Beca about the car. She'd spoken to him a few times before being able to take driving lessons so every other weekend she helped him out and he would pay her, which was good because everything that she got she put towards the car. So with her father's permission when she was 15 she started to work with him. He also owned a garage behind the building so Beca also learnt how to work on a car, as well as learn where everything was, how to change a tyre, oil change, everything. By the time she'd gotten a car she knew exactly what she was doing.

She was 5 months away from being 17 and this car came in, she fell in love with it automatically and Cole saw the look on her face as it came in. The car was a year old at the time and the owner was bringing it in as he wanted the newer model that had just come out. Cole had known this guy for over 10 years, he was rich, owned his own company, and knew how to treat cars. Looking at the car, you wouldn't have

believed it was a year old unless you looked at the mileage. There wasn't even a scratch on the car. She looked at how much a car like this would cost and it certainly wasn't cheap. She was devastated, she knew she'd never be able to afford it. It didn't stop her from wanting to work on the car, but as she didn't even have a license when it came in, she couldn't even test drive it.

As time went on and on at the garage, she wondered why this car hadn't been sold or even on the shop floor. Instead it was tucked away outside away from where people could see it, it didn't make any sense to her. She asked Cole one day why no one was looking at it and his response was 'people want newer models of BMW's' she just smiled and walked away, taking another glance before heading to the garage.

11 months down the line and the car was still there, but she'd also passed her test. She thought she'd have a car by the time it came to passing but she didn't, she did look and look but nothing had gotten her attention as much as this car. Cole asked to see her the following week after school as he wanted to talk to her about something at work. She never questioned it, so turned up. But as soon as she turned up, Cole shouted her name and threw her a set of keys. Looking confused between the keys and him. He held his right hand up and waved it to suggest to follow him.

As she followed him outside, the first thing she saw was the car, the one she'd fallen in love with a year prior.

"As you've passed, wanna take her for a spin? Just need trade plates and you're good to go"

"Is that even a question you have to ask" She smiled. "Abso-fucking-lutely"

"Come on then, let's go" He laughed.

After the drive, he said that the car was Beca's who actually had tears. She'd wanted the car for a long time. Making a deal that she would still work at the shop until she left school, being every other weekend so that she could focus on work. They made a good deal on finance and with a bit of extra help from her Mom and Dad, she wasn't in the finance for long. They knew how hard she worked on the car and as long as she looked after it, which Jade knew full well she would, then there wasn't a problem. She rocked up to school with it a week later and Stacie knew that Beca would attract even more girls with the car, and safe to say, she wasn't wrong.

"It's a 40-minute drive, there's some water in the middle here, help yourself. There's also an aux cable in the compartment opposite you plugged in, knock yourself out"

"You didn't say we were driving somewhere" Chloe said as she grabbed a bottle of water.

"Didn't I? Oh, so I didn't" She smiled looking at the road.

The girls hadn't spoken for 20-minutes, it wasn't awkward they were just sat in silence listening to the music that Chloe had put on. Beca was actually enjoying Chloe's taste in music, and Chloe was just singing below her breath, until one song came on.

"Can I turn this up? I love this song"

"Go for it, it's such a good song"

Both of them were singing along to Fall Out Boy's Young Volcano. Both of them laughing when 'assholes' came in the song, but of course never stopping singing. Chloe couldn't believe how good Beca's voice was.

After singing, they kept the music at the same level and skipping a song that they both didn't know so that they could sing one that they both knew.

A further 20-minutes later and Beca switched on her indicator and went down a road on the left which was more of a country lane, she turned the music down as they were nearly there.

She parked in a small area and turned the engine off before getting out.

"You coming, Beale?"

"Yeah, it's just stunning"

"I know, it's a good spot, plus you can see the bridge perfectly here. It's a great place to just sit and think" She said closing the door.

Chloe got out of the car and took a breath of fresh air in. Never taking her eye off the Golden Gate Bridge, it was beautiful, the sun was shining onto it. She made a mental note to take a picture before leaving. 

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