Chapter 11 - The Point

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Both Beca and Chloe were at the point. Enjoying the view, looking at the strait with. It was a hot day and even being up high and by the water, it was still nice and hot. Both Beca and Chloe had their jackets off and were sat on them just looking ahead. This was a big thing for Beca, she adored this space, but also big because she'd never brought anyone there before.

Beca wanted to talk to Chloe about something else, not just the kiss.

"Penny for your thoughts"

"It's just a good spot. No lie, you're the first person I've ever brought here so count yourself lucky. Not even Stacie knows about this, well she knows of the other spots around, I've just never taken her here before"

"Do you always come here, not here here, but around here? I can sense there's another reason"

"Yeah, I come here a lot, I come here to think, scream, play music, or get drunk. And I just wanted to talk to you, away from the university, away from my friends, and just talk without having to worry who's going to see us"

Chloe looked over at Beca and smiled at her.

"What is it about here?"

"It's just special, it's special because no one knows about it, well none of the people in my life know. It's weird, it's my go to spot for whatever mood I'm in. I'll sit here for fucking hours just contemplating life and thinking about the choices I've previously made. I can sit here watching the sunset, the sunrise, I love it, I'll even put the seats down in my car and sleep here. There's just something about here that just relaxes me"

"So, why bring me here? It's your spot"

"Because you're really something, Chlo. There's something about you that just pops to me, I want to know you more" She looked over at Chloe who met her eyes instantly.

Chloe looked away from her eyes and back on the water. "How did you come across this place?"

"Years ago, and I mean years ago, before my Mom and Dad split, Mom brought me here once for a day, and then it became a weekly occurrence to just come here and take a walk. It was just our thing, nothing to do with my Dad. They were going through problems and one day Mom just said that we were going somewhere. Here we came, well not this spot, but over there, if you think of where 10 o'clock is on a clock and do that from here. Over there, that's where we went all the time. It was always the same walk and then we'd eventually be down at the water. Sometimes we'd bring a couple of blankets to sit there, or we'd just paddle and then walk back up. Some days we would be here for an hour other days it would be the whole afternoon. We could spend hours here.

I came here once, in my senior year, I had my car, I was angry at Dad, and I made the wrong turn and ended up here. I loved it, being up here, I found this spot to sit, out of the way of other people. Since then I just come here. I go to the other spot a bit but not as much as here anymore."

Beca looked down and fiddled with her hands.

"You miss her don't you, your Mom?"

"Every day. I'm here and she's over 5,000 miles away in London. It's not right"

"How come she's over there?"

"She's British, it's where her side of the family is, she moved back there after everything. I go there if I have long breaks and summer for a few weeks. She doesn't come out. Too many memories, bad ones. I get that. The only reason I stayed was because of my Dad, he's a professor at Berkley so I got discount on studies and he paid for my house, not that it makes up for it, but it means I'm not in the house with him"

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