Chapter eight

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Kaylee redressed herself in her armor before  walking over to Peter's room in the tombs. She stood in the doorway, leaning against the side as he got dressed in his armor. The feeling of being watched became to much for him as he turned towards her, she gave him a weak smile as she pushed herself forward, helping him with his armor.

''I want you and Edmund as my seconds.'' Kaylee frowned before humming softly as she pulled the strings of his shirt tighter around him. ''Kaylee.'' He turned around to face her, grabbing a hold of her as he pulled her into his chest, seeing how distressed she was. ''It's just a precaution in case ... ''

''In case that you die.'' She spoke up, pulling herself apart from her boyfriend. ''I don't want you to do this Peter, I cannot lose you.'' 

''And what about Narnia? You expect me to just hand it over?''

''That's not what I'm saying-''

''Than what are you saying?'' He looked at her as silence filled the room. ''If we go into battle right now, we'll lose, and I'll die anyways.'' He forced her to look up at him as he grabbed his shield. ''I'm doing this.'' 

 Kaylee and Edmund walked on either side of Peter, Kaylee holding his hand tightly as she looked at the opposite side of the battlefield. The Narnians around them cheering him on as the trio walked forward, determinant looks on their faces as Glennstorm gave them a nod as he galloped behind them. 

Edmund held out Peter's sword as Peter unshead it, earning loud cheers from his side, Miraz doing the same. Kaylee pursed her lips together before she turned his face towards her, kissing him passionately before sending him off to the battlefield. 

''There is still time to surrender.'' Miraz spoke as the two duelist walked around each other. A short silence fell before Peter turned his head slightly. 

''Well feel free.'' 

''How many must die for the throne?''

''Just. One.''  Peter got ready as he attacked Miraz, getting the upper hand quite quickly before they were evenly matched. As Peter didn't concentrate for a moment, Peter's helmet flying off of his head as Miraz  charged at him, Peter protecting himself with his sword and shield. 

Kaylee gave a soft nod towards Edmund as Peter sliced Miraz's leg before charging at him again, only to roll to the ground and getting his shoulder dislocated. Kaylee winced before Peter rolled away again, avoiding a blow with his own sword and getting Miraz onto the ground.

All the heads turned as they heard a horse approach them, Caspian and Susan coming into the field as the duelist took a break. Kaylee led Peter to the couple as Edmund grabbed Peter's helmet. 


''She got through.'' Susan tilted her head to Caspian. ''With a bit of help.'' 

''Thank you.''

''Well, you were busy.'' Silence filled the circle of five as Peter looked up to the archers, his head tilting back to Susan. 

''You better get up there. Just in case. I don't expect the Telmarines will keep their word.'' Susan pulled him into a hug, Peter groaning and hissing in pain as she pulled back. 


''It's all right.'' He reassured her.

''Be careful.''

''Keep smiling.'' Edmund spoke, the five of them turning to the Narnians as Susan walked up to the archers, Peter plastering a smile on his face as he held up his sword. Kaylee had pushed him into a chair, Caspian trying to get his arm back into place. 

Peter yelled out in pain as he turned to Edmund. ''I think it's dislocated.'' The three of them had a lot of experience from both the battlefield and the bullies at school. Edmund grabbed a hold of his arm as Kaylee held his shoulder steady. ''What do you think happens back home if you die here?'' He turned to his brother and girlfriend. ''You know you've always been there, and I never really - '' He groaned in pain as Edmund pushed his shoulder into place. 

''Save it for later.'' Edmund spoke as Kaylee grabbed Peter's sword before rejecting his helmet from Edmund, Miraz doing the same for his helmet. The Narnian's cheered loudly as Peter stepped back into the battlefield. The fight quickly escalating again. 

Kaylee and Edmund held concerning looks on their faces as they looked at each other, Kaylee stepping closer to her brother-in-law as she rested her head on his shoulder, the boy putting his arm around her waist as they looked at Peter. 

Kaylee looked at Edmund, seeing his worried face matching to hers. She sighed loudly as she turned back to the fight, her breath getting hitched as Peter got the upper hand over Miraz again. She smirked as he found the weak spots in his body as he played on it. Kaylee softly nodded her head as she looked at his fighting style after so many years. 

Caspian noticed as she looked at him, he gave her a small smile, reassuring her a bit before she turned her attention to Peter again, who had knocked Miraz to the ground before both of them got up again, Miraz losing his sword and only having his shield to attack Peter as he too lost his sword. 

Peter had turned them around as Miraz got his sword back from the ground, Peter hitting onto his knee to get him down, his hand in the air in defeat as Peter discussed what he needed to do.

''Now's not the time for chivalry, Peter!'' Edmund called out to him as he, Kaylee and Caspian watched Peter debate his choices. The Narnian's yelled at him too as Miraz looked up to eter, who began to walk away. Kaylee noticed Miraz grabbing his sword, quickly alarming her.

''Peter!'' Miraz swung his sword, but Peter was quick to dodge him and take his sword from him, turning himself around and getting this sword through Miraz' armor as he fell to the ground. 

Peter held up his sword, but Kaylee could see he wasn't going for it. ''What's the matter, boy? Too cowardly to take a life?''

''It's not mine to take.'' Peter spat out at him, turning himself around as he faced Caspian, holding out the sword for him. Caspian grabbed it, walking towards his uncle as Kaylee and Edmund watched.

''Perhaps I was wrong. Maybe you do have the makings of a Telmarine king after all.'' Miraz spoke as Caspian towered over him, sword ready to kill his uncle. 

''Not one like you.'' He told him after putting the sword in the ground right in front of him. ''Keep your life. But I am giving the Narnians back their kingdom.'' Caspian walked away as he held his head high, Kaylee smiling at him as the Narnians cheered loudly. Kaylee looked at Peter as she pulled him into a kiss, smiling into the kiss before she heard a loud gasp.

She pulled away from him, turning to a fallen Miraz with an arrow sticking out. An arrow with a red feather. Kaylee turned to Susan, seeing the surprised look on her face, letting Kaylee know she hadn't shot him. 

''Treachery!'' Kaylee, Peter and Edmund looked at each other as the right hand man of Miraz spoke. ''They shot him! They murdered our king! Be ready!'' The archers got into place as Caspian, who had walked away from the trio alarmed them to the right hand man running at them. 

Peter had very soonly got the upper hand and had killed him. ''Go!'' He yelled to Caspian as he, Kaylee and Edmund ran to the opposite side of where they had been standing, getting ready for the battle that was going to begin in a matter of seconds. 

This was a long chapter, jeez! I really liked to write this one and see the characters interact with each other. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did, please leave a vote, comment and add this book to your reading list to stay updated. See you soon!

-X Violet's-library 

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