Chapter five

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Kaylee and the other siblings alongside Mr. Beaver rushed back into the dam, a few wolves after them as they ran as fast as they could. Peter had Lucy on his back in order for her to keep up.

''Hurry Mum, they are after us!''

''right then...'' Mrs. Beaver spoke, grabbing a couple a jars, Kaylee and Susan frowning before Susan decided to speak up.

''What is she doing?''

''Don't worry, you'll thank you me later. it's a long journey and a beaver gets cranky when he's hungry.'' Kaylee her lips parted in shock, they were pretty close to dying and the beavers were worrying about food. Seeing that the beavers weren't going to leave without, she sighed and grabbed as many jars as she could find, stuffing them all into a bag.

''Do you think we would need bring jam?''

''Only if the Witch has toast.'' Kaylee glared at her boyfriend, hitting him on his head for the smart mouth comment at his eldest sister as the two eldest girls continued to fill bags. After a short while they followed the beavers into a tunnel, having to bend down in order to eben fit in there.

''This should lead to Aslan's''

''I thought it lead to your mums!'' Mrs. Beaver scoffed at him as Kaylee pushed them further into the tunnel. She was the last in line while Peter was the first. After a minute or two they could hear the wolves being in the tunnel. Lucy turned for a moment before yelling out.

''They're in the tunnel!'' Kaylee pushed her further until they arrived at a dead end, exhaling loudly.

''You should have brought a map!''

''There was no room next to the jam!'' They rushed to another point, finally getting out of the tunnel. Kaylee lifted Lucy Lucy before grabbing Peter's hand before he lifted her out of the tunnel, both of them pushing a large rock in front of the entree. Kaylee panted as she leaned against the big rock, her eyes widening when she saw stone figures of animals.

''He was my best mate.''

''What happened here?'' Peter asked, but before either one could answer, they heard a new voice coming from a fox.

''This is what happens to the enemies of the White Witch.'' 

''Take one more step and I'll chew you to splinters.'' Kaylee stood next to Peter as she held his hand, the two of them standing in front of the two sisters, who looked frightened at the fox as he spoke.

''Relax, I'm one of the good guys.''

''Well you look mighty like one of the bad guys.''

''An unfortunate family resemblance, but we can discuss family breeding later right now we need to move.'' Kaylee her head turned to the loud barks coming from behind them, she and Peter glanced at each other before turning back to the fox.

''What did you have in mind?''

When the wolves had left, they came out of their hiding spot, which had been inside of the tree. Kaylee went down first, before they had started a fire. The night fell as they sat around the small campfire, Kaylee her head leaning against Peter's shoulder.

''Well I am afraid that is all the healing I have time for.''

''You're leaving?'' Lucy questioned the fox. Their small time together had already make Lucy fall for him as a friend.

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