Chapter four

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Kaylee held a hand to her head, a throbbing sound between her ears as she listened to Edmund and Caspian talking. ''You alright?'' Her head turned to Caspian as she removed her hand from her head, a speck of blood coating it. ''I'll manage.'' 

Edmund pulled her to her feet, keeping her steady as she wobbled around for a moment. She turned to Caspian, who was currently kicking the door, trying to get it open. ''Let me try.'' Kaylee pulled a bobby pin from her hair, trying to pick the lock without result. 

''It's hopeless. You'll never get out.''

''Who's there?'' Edmund called out as Kaylee rose to her feet again, the pair walking into the dark as a voice called out. ''Nobody. Just a voice... in my head.'' The man stepped into the dim lights, Caspian's eyes widening. 

''Lord Bern?''Caspian questioned as he stepped closer to the in-laws. Kaylee turned to the older boy as she stood next to Edmund as the man spoke. 

''Perhaps once, but I'm no longer deserving of that title.''

''Is he one of the seven?'' Edmund questioned Caspian as he nodded before the man tilted his head at him, a questioning look on his face. 

''Your face... You remind me of a king I once loved well.''

''That man was my father.'' Questions smile grew on his face as he thought of his father. Edmund looked towards Kaylee as he gave her a sad smile, pushing his arm around his sister-in-law, remembering hoe long she had not seen her father. 

''Oh, my lord. Please forgive me.''

''No, please. Please.'' As Caspian spoke with Lord Bern, Kaylee heard a horse. she turned to Edmund as they walked up to the barred window, pulling themselves up as Kaylee heard the agony in a small girl's voice, calling for her mother. Townspeople sat in a carriage like structure as they were being pulled away from the island. A man who tried to get to his wife being pushed away by a guard. Caspian appeared next to her as she found Eustace and Lucy on the ground, a gasp stuck in her throat. 

''Where are they taking them?'' Edmund questioned Lord Bern. 

''Keep watching.'' They did as they were told. The clouds above them turned a dark grey and thunder filled the quiet streets as the townsmen were put on boats and onto the sea. Kaylee frowned at the green smoke that clouded the sea before letting the people in the boats disappear. 

''What happened?'' Kaylee questioned as she let go of the bars, slowly stepping down as she shook out her arms, sore from having to keep her weight. 

''It's a sacrifice.''

''Where did they go?'' Caspian questioned as he too lowered himself down before Edmund did as well. 

''No one knows. The mist was first seen in the east. Reports of fishermen and sailors disappearing out at sea. We lords made a pact... to find the source of the mist to destroy it. They each set sail... but none came back. You see, if they don't sell you to the slave traders... you're likely to be fed to the mist.'' Kaylee turned to the boys, remembering Lucy on the ground. 

''We have to find Lucy... before it's too late.''

Kaylee was pushed out of the cell after the two boys in front of her, groaning as her arms were bound together in front of her. She blinked a couple of times as the sun shone in her eyes. Than, she heard a very familiar voice. 

''I'll take them off your hands.'' The men of the Dawn treader threw of their capes, reveling both the men and Reep. ''I'll take them all off your hands! For Narnia! Narnia!'' Kaylee looked at Edmund, the two reading each others like books as Kaylee hit her captor with her elbow, right on the nose as Edmund did the same. Caspian's captor had gotten distracted and had turned his back, leading to the three to push him away from his captors. With now only two against three, Kaylee and Edmund fought together against his captor, using the chains around their hands to fight. 

She caught a quick glimpse of Lucy fighting with the same tactic, smiling at the young girl she remembered how much she'd grown up. Edmund in the meantime had grabbed the next man, who held the keys by his throat as Lord Bern, who Kaylee had not yet seen, took his keys .''Get the keys!'' Kaylee was the first one to be freed by the lord before Edmund. Then, they threw the keys to Caspian who freed himself. 

Kaylee took a sword from the ground, smiling as she fought alongside the two boys to get to Lucy and their men. ''Ed, on your left!'' She took a spot next to him, blocking a blow from a captor. Kaylee smiled as the townsmen decided to take action as well, using makeshift weapons to defend both them and their kings and queens. 

Kaylee walked next to Lucy as the four walked through the town, a smile on her face as she rushed to one of their men holding up both her sword and that of Peter. ''Thank you.'' Then, a men ran up to them. She remembered him as the father of the little girl who had called out to her mother who was in the boats, not that long ago. ''Your Majesty. Your Majesty!''

''Hold it!'' Drinian stopped him from getting to close to the kings and queens, Caspian, Edmund and Kaylee going for their swords as Lucy stepped away. ''My wife was taken just this morning.''

''It's all right, Drinian.'' Caspian answered as everyone tugged their swords away. ''I beg you, take me with you. I'm a fine sailor. Been on the seas my whole life.''

''Of course, you must.'' Caspian smiled at him as the three of them continued walking, Kaylee still holding her sword as she walked with a smile on her face, Peter's sword in her other hand. 

''My king. My king. '' Lord Bern appeared again, walking up to the queens and kings. ''This was given to me by your father. I hid it safely in a cave all these years.''

''That's an old Narnian sword.'' Edmund spoke up, remembering the sword.

''It's from your Golden Age.'' Lord Bern confirmed, the three in laws turning to each other with a small smile. ''There are seven such swords, gifts from Aslan to protect Narnia. Your father entrusted them to us. Here, take it.'' He held it out to Caspian as he smiled at Lord Bern as he took it. ''And may it protect you.''

''Thank you, my lord. And we shall find your lost citizens.'' The four of them continued to the boat as the crowd cheered them on, Caspian pulling on Edmund's arm. ''Edmund.'' He smiled as he passed him the sword. Kaylee smiled at him as she pulled onto his hand, the two of them smiling. 

So happy to be writing again! I love taking this story and twisting it around to fit Kaylee in there. I hope you enjoyed this longer chapter just as much as I did and I hope to see you in the next chapter. Please leave a vote, comment and add this book to your reading list to stay updated. See you soon!

-X Violet's-library 

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