Chapter eleven

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 "I want you all to know," said Caspian to the crew. "That no matter what happens on this island you are all the best crew I could have possibly had on this voyage, even those of you who were not originally supposed to be here." He wanted to walk down again, but before he could, yells erupted. 

''For Narnia!'' yelled one crewmember. The rest of the crew soon started in soon, and not too long after they had started up a chant. Caspian grinned at them all gratefully. He hadn't expected that they would back him up as fully as they were doing right then.

Kaylee smiled at him as she stood next to Edmund, maybe they stood a chance after all.

The ship sailed into the Dark Island, and the crew all readied themselves for any sort of attack that might happen. Some were holding torches, some were readying their bows and arrows, and some were arming themselves with swords. The sky was dark, and they weren't about to let themselves be caught unawares.

Edmund shone his light everywhere, trying to see if he could find the sword. Suddenly it shone on a rock. Not just a rock, but a man! He was standing on top of the rock, waving his hands back and forth. "Go away Demon!" the man demanded, looking straight at them all with eyes that showed how batty he had become. "I don't fear you!"

"Caspian!" exclaimed Lucy. "Look at his sword!" Caspian looked at the man's sword, which he had in his hands now, and realized with a start that it was the last Lord's. "Get him aboard!" yelled Caspian. The crew scrambled to do as their king had asked, and soon they had done just that, though the Lord writhed around so much that it was very hard.

Eventually they had convinced the Lord that they were, in fact, friends and not enemies. "Turn this ship about!" he yelled, running up to the wheel and trying to do so. "We'll all die! Turn this ship about!" several of the crew members, including Kaylee herself, grabbed him in an effort to keep him from hurting someone.

"Do as the man says, Drinian," said Caspian, and the captain went to the wheel to try and do just that. "And whatever you do," yelled the Lord. "Do not think! This place turns your worst nightmares into a reality!" Edmund's face seemed to go white at that point, which was not missed by Kaylee.

"Ed," she said. "What did you just think about?" Edmund looked at his sister in law, his eyes full of regret. "I'm sorry," he said. Lucy was just about to ask what he meant when all of a sudden the ship tilted to the side as though it had been bumped by something very big.

"What was that?" one crew member shouted. The ship rocked again, and the crew all ran to the side to see what was going on.

"Are those rocks?" Mister Rince asked. True enough, on the side of the ship there seemed to be many boulders sticking up from the water. Captain Drinian shook his head solemnly.

"Those aren't rocks," he said.

Kaylee had let go of the lord and looked again, gasping. The rocks were moving steadily, delving in and out of the water. "It's too late!" yelled the Lord, who Kaylee now remembered was named Rhoop. "It's too late!" He had completely lost all touch to his right mind.

Suddently the ship rocked again before a huge shape came into view where the "rocks" used to be. A huge serpent came out of the water, its head no less than two hundred feet above the deck. It had horrible scales all over it, and it had no less than three sets of teeth in its huge hole of a mouth. It only showed for a second before it dived back under the water.

"It's gone under the boat!" Rince shouted.

They all turned to see the serpent at the other end of the boat, and again it's head was very far above the deck. Everyone with a weapon (meaning everyone on deck) took them out and prepared to fight. "For Narnia!" yelled Reepicheep, rushing forward and climbing up the mast before stabbing the serpent with his little sword.

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