Chapter nine

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Kaylee wiped her hands on her dress as they started to sweat, turning her head to Peter and Edmund as they nodded at her, reassuring her. 

"One, two..." Peter started and Edmund and Kaylee joined in.

"Three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine..."

"Get ready!" Peter shouted.

And with that, the ground beneath the Telmarines started to crumble. Then, the arrows from their archers flew over them and penetrated the soldiers that were trying to get out of the deep hole. Edmund got on a horse and charged forward.

"Charge!" Peter yelled and we ran towards the people on horseback. Animals around Peter and Kaylee ran towards the soldiers and they sliced them, either with their swords, or their claws.

"Peter." Kaylee said worryingly as she saw the army started marching towards them. She heard squawks and looked up and watched as Gryphons carrying dwarves with bows and arrows, shot at the battle below them. But some of the Gryphons were being taken down with weapons of their own.

"Back to the How!" Peter yelled. Edmund grabbed Kaylee's arm as they ran back to the How. The boulders the Telmarines were firing attacked the entrance, and the rocks fell and killed a few soldiers. They of them couldn't get in. The ledge where Susan was standing broke and Trumpkin grabbed her hand before she fell.

"Susan!" Edmund yelled.

Trumpkin swung her to the side and she fell onto another rock. All three of them let out a sigh in relief. They turned back to the battle and Caspian and Susan ran to the three teenagers. They charged forward and straight into the battle. Kaylee sliced and diced her way through the army. Her eyes constantly trained on Edmund, Susan and mostly Peter. Her dress swinging around her feet as she twirled herself around. Even though their army was much smaller, they seemed to be holding up, not losing as much soldiers as she had thought , Edmund and herself had stayed relatively close, being used to each other's fighting styles from their time in Narnia. The two moved in sync when she took two men down, Edmund protecting her side as the trees began to move, attacking Miraz' army. The teenagers met up again, Kaylee taking Peter's hand. 

''Lucy.'' She nodded as the trees around them were taking out the soldiers left and right, and they were retreating. 

"For Alsan!" Kaylee yelled as the Narians cheered and charged the Telmarines once again. They chased them to the river and she noticed Lucy on the bridge take out her dagger. Then she saw Aslan walk up beside her. A smirk appeared on her face as she, Edmund, Susan, Caspian and Peter moved closer. 

"Charge!" The Telmarines ran towards Lucy and Aslan. Aslan roared and they stopped. The river started moving at a faster pace and a giant wave raced towards the bridge. The water took shape of a man and it lifted the bridge and only one man stood on it. It was the man that killed King Miraz. The water swallowed the man and in that moment they knew it was over. The Narnians won.

Everyone started helping the Telmarine soldiers and their horses out of the water and taking their weapons. Peter, Edmund, Caspian, Kaylee, and Susan went across the river and bowed to Aslan.

"Rise, Kings and Queens of Narnia." Aslan ordered. Peter, Susan, Kaylee and Edmund all stood back up but Caspian  stayed kneeling. "All of you." 

"I do not think I am ready." Caspian said, looking up at the lion.

"It's for that very reason, I know you are." Aslan replied.

Peter and Kaylee locked eyes, and they stared at each other before they heard a flute. She turned around and saw the mice carrying an injured Reepicheep on a stretcher. Lucy rushed forward and put one drop of her fire flower juice between the mice's lips. Reepicheep breathed a sigh and looked up at Lucy.

"Thank you, your majesty." The other mice helped him up and he jumped back at the sight of Aslan. "Hail, Aslan. It is a great honour to be in-" He started to bow, but stumbled forward and gasped at the sight of his missing tail, "I'm completely out of countenance. I must crave your indulgence for appearing in this unseemly fashion." Reepicheep looked up at Lucy, "Uh, perhaps a drop more?"

"I don't think it does that." Lucy replied.

"You could have a go." He responded.

"It becomes you well, small one." Aslan chuckled.

"All the same, great king. I regret that I must withdraw, for a tail is the honor and glory of a mouse." Reepicheep replied, holding his sword out to Aslan.

"Perhaps you think too much of your honour, friend." Aslan said.

"Well, it's not just the honour. It's also great for balance." He replied, "And climbing. And grabbing things."

"May it please, your high majesty, we will not bear the shame of wearing an honour denied to our chief." Another mouse said, holding his sword to his tail, prepared to cut it off.

"Not for the sake of your dignity, but for the love of your people." Aslan said.

Kaylee's eyes widened in surprise as a tail appeared on Reepicheep's bum. A small chuckle escaping her lips as she nodded at Reepicheep. 

"Thank you, my Liege. I will treasure it always. From this day forward it will serve as a great reminder of my huge humility." Reepicheep thanked.

"Now, where is this dear little friend you've told me so much about?" Aslan asked Lucy. The siblings looked down the river bank and saw Trumpkin ordering the surviving Telmarines to put their weapons in a pile. He looked over at us before slowly walking to Aslan and kneeling. Aslan roared and Trumpkin shook.

"Do you see him now?" Lucy asked.

After a few days of healing and resting, everyone left the How and walked to the Telmarine kingdom for Caspian's coronation. Caspian was on his horse in the front, next to Aslan. Kaylee was next to Peter and Susan as Lucy and Edmund were behind them. People were in the streets, cheering for them as they walked by. They were waving, and Kaylee, Lucy and Susan waved back.

That night they had a feast, and there we fireworks. As others danced in the ballroom, Lucy and Kaylee stood outside on the balcony to watch the colors exploding in the sky. She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned around and came face to face with Peter.

"May I have this dance?" He asked, holding his hand out for her to take. She smiled at her boyfriend and took his hand, walking back into the scene.

"Don't blame me when I step on your feet." She said as he placed a hand on her waist and she put hers of his shoulder and they started dancing.

"You never have before." Peter smiled and they continued to dance.

Only one more chapter to go, I cannot wait to start on the finale where I have a small twist for Kaylee's story! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did, please leave a vote, comment and add this book to your reading list to stay updated! 

-X Violet's-library 

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