|Chapter Eight| I Was To Blame.|

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Alyana's POV

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Alyana's POV

"Thank you Constable George," Uncle Ben said sadly. He had contact the police after we walked around the park and even drove around just to find Ivy but, there was no luck. I felt emotionless about the whole situation. I didn't know how to feel... It was a feel of shock of how could I lose my baby sister so easily. I should've kept an eye on her. I should've shut the fuck up about my pathetic life and have taken care of Ivy. It was my fault.

I was to blame.

I'm a poor excuse of a human.

I've lost so many people in my life... I didn't want to lose Ivy too. She was all I had left.

I snapped out of my thoughts after Constable George called out my name. He was wearing his police uniform which was slightly dusty but, it was probably because he was working all day. He had a stubble around his jaw area and was fairly a fit man. You could tell that he takes care of himself. "Alyana... We will try our best to find Ivy. I promise you." He said, trying to reassure me. I looked at him in an odd expression. I didn't know what to say?

Everyone promises you at one point that they will be there with you forever but, it's a lie. They all leave in the end. Our lives end at some point in life so, what was the point. What was the point in living when you would only just suffer and hurt more.

I shifted my gaze to the floor and dazed out.

"We will inform you as soon as we find about Ivy." Constable George said, not removing his gaze from me. Uncle Ben looked at me painfully and shifted his gaze to Constable George giving him a slow nod.

Constable George started making him way to the exit of the house and Katrina was whispering him about something but, I couldn't care less. I just wanted Ivy beside me. I wanted her with me... She was too young to deal with this.

I wheeled my wheelchair to the electric chair and tried to hop myself in but, instead my hand slipped and I fell on the floor. I got my hand stuck in between the mental handles on my wheelchair and it jabbed into my hand. I didn't feel anything.

I just stared at the blood that was oozing out of my hand. It was so red and thick, running through my hands, spotting the floor.

"Oh my god. Alyana sweetheart are you okay?" Katrina frantically stated and Uncle Ben came running to where I was. His eyes well full of concern and worry. I didn't answer but, just sat there on the floor.

"Get the first aid kit Katrina!" Uncle Ben demanded and Katrina knelt up running towards the kitchen. Uncle Ben grabbed a towel and put pressure on my hand to somehow stop the bleeding but, it was soaking the towel too.

"We should have never come here." I whispered to myself emotionlessly. Uncle Ben lifted his gaze up and stared at me deeply. It felt as those words that I blurted out of my mouth teared him apart. Uncle Bens' eyes were suddenly filled with tears, quickly rolling down his face.

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