|Chapter Fifty-Eight| Unstoppable.|

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Jordan's POV

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Jordan's POV

"Yes mom, I'll be fine... yeah don't worry you'll meet you tomorrow... yes I have ate."

I was talking to my mom before we started the mission. It was best to not have any distractions and I know for a fact that my mom would be worried about me if I don't accept her phone call.

So I thought it was best to put her out of her misery and rang her before the mission.

"Okay bye.. love you bye." I chuckle slightly to myself and cut the phone off. I placed it aside and pick my burner phone up instead placing in one of my many pockets. I was wearing a bullet proof vest and a half faced balaclava face covering.

"Are we ready?" I call out. They all nodded their head in unison but, Jaiya was just staring at me clearly annoyed and well angry.

I sigh heavily and make my way towards Jaiya, kneeling down.

"I'm sorry but, I cannot lose you Jai. You're my little sister and I don't know how I would do if I lose you." I explained. Jaiya slowly shifted her gaze towards me and looked at me closely.

"Promise me that you'll take care of yourself and everyone else." She said genuinely, slightly tearing up.

"I promise Jai." I smile through my face covering.

"Well good luck and bring your girl back." She returned the smile, wiping her tear.

I nodded my head and lifted myself up, looking at my team, clearly proud of them.

Alyana's POV

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Alyana's POV

I had eaten the sandwich and well literally inhaled the water since I was so thirsty. I'm not sure how long I had been down here but, I felt like months.. years.

A member from the Dark Knight had dragged Jonah's body from the room I'm in. Before they took the body, I quickly checked if there was anything that would be useful to use but, there was only a small little metal tub that had an initial engraved in it. I wasn't quite sure what it was so, I was fiddling with it for a while.

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