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"It's just thunder," Louis says, rolling his eyes at my fright as we sit beside one another in class. Redirecting my vision to his face, I grimace.
"And who do you think you are to judge me for my fears?"
He scoffs and looks back down at his textbook,

"It's nature. You're just a dramatic bitch."

"And you're just a fucking asshole," I mumble and look down at my sheet of homework, still blank from distracting myself. Louis chuckles a bit and looks down writes another answer down on his paper which was almost finished.

"Look who's talking," he said, before standing up and walking to turn the work into a basket by the teacher, Mr. Claffile.

Louis Partridge.

Two words. You know what else is two words?

A bitch.

Fits perfectly for someone like him. Now you're probably noticing that I have a strong hatred toward this boy. And your also probably questioning why.

Allow me to explain why I hate this idiot.

It was freshman year. We weren't exactly friends, but we didn't mind one another. All I was known for, was being "the avengers daughter" and all the girls were jealous that I know Tom Holland.

Others call me "the singers sister."

Oh and my personal favorite, "Mama Steve's child," even though Joe is my older brother.

It's just what happens when you come from a family of success.

Oh and yes, my father is Robert.

And my brothers are Johnny, Wyatt, and Joe.
However Joe's not around very much, for he's already through college and has his own home now.
So really it feels like just Johnny and Wyatt.

My mother? She cheated on Dad for some chic she met at a bar. Let's just say we don't talk about her.

But that's just part of it. Here's the real reason I hate Louis.

One day, my father got a call from his agent. He said that he isn't exactly supposed to find roles for clients who aren't registered with him, but he found one in a television show that I could audition for. My father told me the news.

And to tell you I was excited... would be an understatement. I was beyond thrilled to finally have the chance to be a real actress.

The audition came, and I was speaking for the role of the Lorenzo's child. Boys or girls could get the part.

Guess who was auditioning for the same role? Louis. And at the time I was fine with it. In fact, he helped me practice my lines before we went into the room.

And the audition went great. His did too.

We both got a call back.

This time, we were both very distant from each other, realizing that this was a competition. Not a play date. Louis auditioned first, and came out with a huge smile on his face.

I didn't audition. They made up their mind before I got my chance.

Louis got the role.

And you're probably confused on why I'd hold a grudge on it so long? Well Louis and I would see each other in school hallways and he'd roll his eyes.

I'd flick him off.

We got into fights at parties. Not physical. But verbal. The boy and I are just like oil and water. We don't go together.

And ever since then, my father got me my own agent, but he's never called me for a role.

So yeah.

𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝 ~ ✰☽ 𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐨𝐜Where stories live. Discover now