~ thirty one ~

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About one week left of filming.
Today, Tewksbury and Enola reunite and drive down to Basilwether. Tomorrow, the battle scene where Tewksbury gets 'shot.'
The following day, two scenes are filmed. One without me or Louis, and the scene where Enola says goodbye to Tewksbury.

Aka, the dreaded kiss.

Then, there's about two or three scenes.

Oh and then Helena and I film all our little snipers together.

All in total, about exactly one week since after all, it is Wednesday.
And after all the shooting, the day before everyone leaves, we're having another "dinner party."

However as of right now, I'm on set, hair pulled back in a slick bun and I'm wearing a plain black dress with a white accessory.
My most boring costume.

"Everyone in their place? Ready? Alright we're rolling in three, two, one, action!"

I begin the scene.

"Mother thought I was extraordinary," I smile with wide eyes at a small wooden animal Enola had used as a kid.
"Extraordinary," I repeat, and chuckle before setting it down and instead picking up a newspaper.

"The lords..." I whisper, furrowing my brows and looking down at the news headline.
From underneath it, I pull out another paper with Tewksbury on it.

It doesn't really look like Louis, but then again, it's not supposed to be perfect.
"Lord. Every vote counts," I continue reading through the pages, that same confused expression implanted on my face.

And here comes Louis.

The door begins to rattle as a man behind it knocks harshly, and my eyes jolt up from the paper.
"Delivery from Ferndell Hall."

I quickly stand up and hurry toward the door as the camera man moves, and the microphone keeps bobbing just above my head.
"Care of Mr. Mycroft Holmes," the guy says while I open the door.

I do find it a little funny that Louis keeps having to fit in these super small spaces. He looks as if he struggles to find a comfortable position.

"What does he want," I sigh with a stern expression.
"Well whatever it is," the man grunts and starts bringing Louis in, "its heavy!"

Once they set him on the floor and leave set, I shut the door and quietly take a deep breath. I know I'll be excited to act like things between me and- well... Tewksbury are okay. But I don't know if Louis will enjoy talking to me. Acting or in person.

"What on earth does Mycroft want-"

The basket begins to rattle, and I try not to laugh as I imagine what Louis looks like right now.

I walk over to the side of the basket and give it a- well the script said to be gentle but I decided not to. I kicked the basket and Louis let out a little "ow."

I quickly reach down and open up the basket, before my eyes grow wide and Louis stands up.
"Tewksbury!" I smile.

And here we go.

I quickly step inside the basket too, and throw my arms around him. Holding him close, and savoring having hugged him again. I haven't given Louis a hug since... well since a long long time. Butterflies shoot through my stomach when I feel him hug me back, barely resting his head on mine.

𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝 ~ ✰☽ 𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐨𝐜Where stories live. Discover now